spirituality of the church
What Do Tim Keller and Norman Shepherd Have in Common?
Darryl gives us an answer.
Machen: Isn't There Some Place?
Darryl has a great start to 2010.
Machen: The Church is Not the Rotary Club
Dan has the quotation at GR.
Why We All Need the Spirituality of the Church
Darryl explains at Old Life.
Machen On The Responsibility And Spirituality Of The Institutional Church
There are certain things which you cannot expect from such a true Christian church. In the first place, you cannot expect from it any cooperation with non-Christian religion or with a non-Christian program of ethical culture. . . . In the second . . . Continue reading →
The Problem with Churches and "Social Justice"
Darryl explains.
Jack and the Kingdom of God (Updated)
In a piece that appears in Christianity Today online Ted Olson argues that a plan, which was cancelled, to free the Korean hostages in Afghanistan by taking hostage the families of the kidnappers is a bad idea because the Apostle Paul wouldn’t . . . Continue reading →
Heroes, Villains, And Pretty Packages
The dead, in other words, are people too. Scoring points on their failings does not seem to be particularly charitable or self-interested (since one day we won’t be around to defend ourselves or the limitations of our historical moment). It is not . . . Continue reading →
Christ Is And Is Not A Legislator
VII. To question (wont to be agitated here) whether Christ is and can be called a legislator. We answer in a few words that Christ can be viewed in two ways: either absolutely and theologically (inasmuch as he is the Word [Logos] . . . Continue reading →
Waters: What Is And Is Not Kingdom Work
One further problem with this approach is that virtually any activity can become “kingdom work.” McKnight commends a Chicago, Ill. congregation that opened and operated a laundromat, “health facilities,” a gym, and a “pizza joint” for the wider community. He sees these . . . Continue reading →
Let The Church Be The Church
I imagine, dear reader, that you and I were both distressed to see Secretary Clinton, as a candidate for the presidency, standing in the pulpit of a Christian congregation during this past election cycle but were we upset for the same reasons? . . . Continue reading →
Southern Presbyterians Did Not Invent The Spirituality Of The Church
For at least 200 years, the doctrine of the spirituality of the church developed without any reference to slavery. To suggest that Southern Presbyterians invented the spirituality of the church to sidestep the issue of slavery is to ignore the presence of . . . Continue reading →
How The Spirituality Of The Church Can Address The Legacy Of Apartheid
As South Africa’s second-largest metropolis (after Johannesburg), Cape Town not only has a rich history but is also a melting pot of scenic views, cuisines, and skin colors. She boasts incredible beauty but also thrombotic veins of prejudice and inequality, which are . . . Continue reading →
Review: Estelle, The Primary Mission Of The Church (Mentor, 2022)
Western culture is ripping apart, to varying degrees depending on the country, over issues of social justice and cultural welfare. That increasing pressure has also often included the advocates of various social causes demanding assent from everyone else. This no exception approach to ideological uniformity has also often affected the church, as proponents of cultural issues impose their views upon us as another institution that must get in line with secular orthodoxy. Continue reading →
Three Congregations That Grew During The Covid Lockdown
Three congregations that reportedly grew during the Covid lockdowns in 2020: Christ Church in Moscow, ID; Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA; and Trinity Church in Scottsdale, AZ. These three congregations have a few things in common. Each is led by . . . Continue reading →