If We Won't Discipline Are We Really A Church?

re-post from 12 September 2007 — One of the clearest commands our Lord gave during his ministry, before his crucifixion, death, burial, and ascension, was to practice discipline in the congregations (Matt 18). It has been abused, but more often it has . . . Continue reading →

Do Presbyterians Confess That Refusing to Baptize Infants is Sin?

That’s the question I received in my inbox yesterday. The writer asks, …Whereas I know that a consistent Baptist (e.g. Mark Dever) would consider a Christian refusing to be baptized subsequent to conversion as sinning and subject to church discipline, is that . . . Continue reading →

See You in Traverse City

I’ll be (Dv) in beautiful (predicted high of 73°) Traverse City, MI this Friday and Saturday (Sep 18-19, 2009) speaking to the Great Lakes Presbytery (PCA) on Friday and Saturday.  I’ll be talking about “The Mission and the Marks” and “The Joy . . . Continue reading →

Abounding Grace Radio: How To Choose A Church (1)

With Chris Gordon

Chris Gordon is not only a dear friend and my pastor at Escondido URC but he also hosts a daily radio program, Abounding Grace Radio. So, other than preaching twice most Lord’s Days, hosting a daily radio program, counseling, teaching a catechism class, . . . Continue reading →

In Defense Of Church Discipline

Jonathan Merritt has an interesting two-part post chronicling reaction to the struggles of The Village Church, a large (twice the size of at least two NAPARC denominations) multi-site Acts 29 congregation in Texas, with a church discipline case. In this case a woman discovered . . . Continue reading →

Why Love Is Not A Mark Of The True Church

I was listening to a podcast recently in which someone remarked that Reformed churches can be “cold.” In my first pastorate I had an elder who used to joke that, in the days before refrigeration, “they used to build the Reformed church . . . Continue reading →

Let The Church Be The Church

I imagine, dear reader, that you and I were both distressed to see Secretary Clinton, as a candidate for the presidency, standing in the pulpit of a Christian congregation during this past election cycle but were we upset for the same reasons? . . . Continue reading →

What Christ Expects Of His Church During Times Of Opposition (Updated)

This morning I am thinking of younger American Christians, especially of those who have come of age during the Trump administration. A young person who was 16 when the Trump administration began is now approaching 20 and is perhaps becoming more politically . . . Continue reading →

Para Means “Alongside” Not “Is”

Is the Family Research Council a church? What about Cru, the Gideons International, Voice of the Martyrs, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), Liberty Counsel, the American Family Association, Navigators, and World Vision? The Controversy According to a recent story by Daniel Silliman, . . . Continue reading →

They Are Not Pastors

In the course of catching up with goings on in the evangelical world, there was a striking confluence of news stories about men who are no longer pastors, if they ever were. As we scan and digest these stories we should draw . . . Continue reading →