I’ll be there to speak at the Colorado Springs Reformation Day Conference hosted by Pastor David Reese and the good folks at the Springs Reformed Church. Here are the talks: Who’s Afraid of Martin Luther? Was The Reformation A Mistake? Who Needs A . . . Continue reading →
recovering the reformation
Quick Overview of the Differences Between Protestants and Rome
Reformation Chart Pt 1 Reformation Chart pt 2
Recovering the Reformation Conference Coming Up
Hope to see you in Colorado Springs at the end of this month. I’ll be there to speak at the Colorado Springs Reformation Day Conference hosted by Pastor David Reese and the folks at the Springs Reformed Church.
The "Sultans of the Spirit"
It’s not my phrase but Zrim’s as he writes about “The Unringing of Bells” and the QIRE.
Two Weeks to "Recovering the Reformation"
Click on the image for details. Here’s the schedule. If you’re in Colorado Springs, Denver, or the area, hope to see you there.
See You in the Springs
At the “Recovering the Reformation” Conference hosted by the Springs Reformed Church. Weather.com says that it should be a lovely weekend. According to the pre-registration the conference should be well attended. I’ll be speaking tomorrow night, Saturday morning, signing books Saturday afternoon, . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Recovering the Reformation
Here is the audio (at sermonaudio.com) from the Recovering the Reformation conference held over Reformation Day weekend this fall at Springs Reformed Church (RPCNA) in beautiful Colorado Springs. Once again, I’m grateful to Pastor David Reese, to Shawn Stickel and everyone there . . . Continue reading →
Fall Conference Info
The fall conference season is upon us. Here are some conferences that might interest you: Christ Reformed Church, Washington DC is hosting “Preaching in the Capital” for 2010. The speakers are Gene Veith, T. David Gordon, Robert Norris, and Marva Dawn. They . . . Continue reading →
Another Way The Reformed Confessions Can Help Us If We Let Them
I am in the studio today to work on an Office Hours podcast for May so there is just time for a quick thought about another way the Reformed confessions can help the churches be more faithful. Continue reading