Audio: Recovering the Reformation

Here is the audio (at from the Recovering the Reformation conference held over Reformation Day weekend this fall at Springs Reformed Church (RPCNA) in beautiful Colorado Springs. Once again, I’m grateful to Pastor David Reese, to Shawn Stickel and everyone there . . . Continue reading →

Natural Man And The Covenant Of Works

All natural and unregenerate men function entirely within the context of the covenant of works, and regardless of what their religious mindset may be, their singular objective is to be justified before God by their own merits and by the works of . . . Continue reading →

Why You Cannot Earn Grace

To understand the importance of the statement “faith alone,” we need to remember why the Reformers sought to recover the doctrine of God’s grace. They wanted to emphasize the fact that we are made right with God not through any merit of . . . Continue reading →