According to the latest P&R catalogue (#002-50)
Calvin Studies
Calvin's Legacy: Reforming the Church Today
The 2009 Faculty Conference this January 16 and 17. Info here. As I say every year, plan now. Register early. These conferences sell out and people are turned away. 2009 is Calvin’s 500th birthday year and we’re happy to do our part . . . Continue reading →
Calvin500 Update: Interview with David Hall
One of the bigger Calvinpalooza events in celebration of Calvin’s 500th birthday is the Calvin500 Conference in Geneva, Switzerland next summer.
Reformed: More Than The Institutes and More Than Calvin
In case you’ve missed it, the Calvinpalooza [a term coined on the Heidelblog on 29 January 2008] that began last year is in full swing now with Calvin conferences popping up all over the globe. WSC is having its very own Calvin Conference: . . . Continue reading →
Calvin as Theologian of Consolation (Pt 5)
Part 4: Consolation And Pastoral Ministry IV. Consolation Preached In part one of this series we considered Calvin’s interpretation of several biblical passages on consolation. In part two we looked at how he harvested a theology of consolation from his exegetical work. . . . Continue reading →
Calvin’s Theology And Its Reception: A Review
What should we do with John Calvin? What if, on the way back from dinner, we drove through a wormhole into a parallel universe and found John Calvin sitting on our sofa when we arrived home? What would we do with him . . . Continue reading →
The Gentle Genevans: Reversing The Myth Of The Persecution Of Witches In Calvin’s Geneva
An old and tenacious legend insists that Calvin’s Geneva—the largest and most important city in the Jura region–was terribly severe in its persecution of witches. Hugh Trevor-Roper, the most recent exponent of this belief, declared that “In Geneva, which before had been . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours With Sujin Pak On Calvin’s Hermeneutics And More
Few Bible interpreters in the history of the church have been as prolific and influential as John Calvin (1509–64). Love or hate him, one cannot ignore him. He wrote commentaries upon much of Scripture. As a humanist, he was a careful, sensitive, . . . Continue reading →
A New Calvin Title In English: God Or Baal—Two Letters On The Reformation Of Worship And Pastoral Service
The French “Nicodemites” have long been an interest on the HB. I first wrote about them here in 2009, from which I borrow here to give some background by which to understand the value of a first-ever English translation of two early . . . Continue reading →
Updated Calvin Resource Page
John Calvin (1509-64) was one of the most significant figures in the history of the West. He was among the major Protestant Reformers in the sixteenth century. He contributed significantly to the Reformed wing of the Reformation. He was an industrious Bible . . . Continue reading →
Review: Calvin’s Theology And Its Reception Edited by J. Todd Billings and I. John Hesselink
What should we do with Calvin on the sofa? The answer to that question depends on one’s job description. Continue reading →