One of the bigger Calvinpalooza events in celebration of Calvin’s 500th birthday is the Calvin500 Conference in Geneva, Switzerland next summer. One of the organizers of the event is the Rev. Mr. David Hall, Senior Pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church, Powder Springs, GA. He recently sat for an interview with the guys at Christ the Center. Along with Pete Lillback, David is editor of the recently published Theological Guide to Calvin’s Institutes. He is also the author of The Legacy of John Calvin. You can follow the progress of the Calvin500 project at the blog.
Would be nice to have something Stateside that us poor seminarians could afford to attend.
Good News! There is.
Our 2009 faculty conference, 16-17 Jan, is: Calvin’s Legacy: Reforming the Church Today. If you register by 1 Dec it’s only $45.00. Except for that Clark character, they have a pretty good lineup of speakers.
Yeah but it would cost just as much to travel to California as it would to Geneva. 😉
I’ll look into it. Thanks for letting me know about it.
There’s just no pleasing you is there?
There’s a RT flight from PIT to SAN on United for $198. You might even be able to find accommodation with some WSC students.
I know Dr. Clark, I was just giving you a hard time. I have checked out the flights and times and will seriously try and make it there. Thanks again for letting me know about the conference.