Excellent New Resource: The Continuing Story

Wayne Sparkman, archivist at the PCA Historical Center (itself a terrific resource for anyone interested in the history of American Presbyterianism) and valued correspondent to the HB, has begun his own blog: The Continuing Story. I’m subscribed and I hope you will . . . Continue reading →

New In Print: A Companion to Paul in the Reformation

Just for the sake of completeness I want to let you know about the latest publication, “The Reception of Paul in Heidelberg: The Pauline Commentaries of Caspar Olevianus,” in R. Ward Holder, ed. A Companion to Paul in the Reformation (Leiden: Brill, . . . Continue reading →

What Reformation Day Really Is

Reformation Day as we know it is somewhat arbitrary. There’s little about the 95 Theses is that is distinctively Protestant. There are shadows and hints here and there in the 95 Theses of what would become Luther’s mature views, but for the . . . Continue reading →

What Would Calvin Say?

Recently a prominent evangelical (Bible church) pastor suggested that were Calvin alive today he would be premillennial and that true “Calvinists” should be (pre-trib, dispensational) premillennialists. Those of us who actually read Calvin and historic Calvinist theology and who are confessing ministers . . . Continue reading →