Thus is explained the “treasury of the Church” which should certainly not be imagined as the sum total of material goods accumulated in the course of the centuries, but the infinite and inexhaustible value the expiation and the merits of Christ Our . . . Continue reading →
Vatican I On Papal Infallibility
Sola Scriptura v Solo Papatu
We teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman pontiff speaks ex cathedra, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines . . . Continue reading →
Too Legit, Too Legit to Quit
MC Hammer Called. He wants His Costume Back
The Myth of the Papacy
You know by now that Benedict XVI has abdicated the papacy and the college of Cardinals have been preparing to elect a new pope. on Tuesday they are set to begin the process of actually electing a new pope. Over the next . . . Continue reading →
Cartwright: The Bishop Of Rome Grew Beyond The Limits Of Christian Ministry
Indeed to apply it to the true Roman Church, or the right succession in the Apostolic see, which was in the days of S. John, or in the time of the Christian Emperors, it were both folly and blasphemy: but to apply . . . Continue reading →
10 Reasons Not to Pope
Trent On Communion In One Species
For though Christ the Lord at the last supper instituted and delivered to the Apostles this venerable sacrament under the forms of bread and wine, yet that institution and administration do signify that all the faithful are by an enactment of the . . . Continue reading →
Ursinus On Jesuits And Hypocrites
This question is proposed on account of those who glory in the name of Jesus, and yet, at the same time, seek their salvation, either wholly or in part, in some other place without him, in the merits of the saints, in . . . Continue reading →
Luther On Papacy, Priesthood, And The Crucifixion
We should learn here that no one should place his trust in men, even if he is in an estate ordained by God. But if we are not to believe nor put our trust in Annas and Caiaphas, how are we to . . . Continue reading →
Where Was Our Church Before Zwingli And Luther?
I. Although from what has been said in the preceding question concerning the obscurity of the church, it is easy to answer the proposed question (for if the church can sometimes be so obscured and concealed as to the nowhere conspicuous on . . . Continue reading →
Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (2)
IV. Second, they falsely argue from the ignorance of a thing to its negation, as if it was necessary for a thing not to be because it is not known. And yet the truth of the thing is to be measured from . . . Continue reading →
Why Do Some Say That Doubt Is Of The Essence Of Faith?
Curt writes to ask, I have a question. In “A Brief History of Covenant Theology” You write: For most of the Medieval period, the Western (Latin) church and the major theologians agreed that God says what he says about us, because we . . . Continue reading →
What Romanist Canon Law Claims For The Papacy
He that knowledgeth not himself to be under the bishop of Rome, and that the bishop of Rome is ordained by God to have primacy over all the world, is an heretic, and cannot be saved, nor is not of the flock . . . Continue reading →
Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (3)
VI. The question is one of history, not of faith, the solution of which, therefore, is not necessary to salvation. It suffices for the private Christian to know and be persuaded that that assembly in whose connection he lives is the true . . . Continue reading →
Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (4)
VIII. Fifth, the injustice of the demand appears also clearly in this—that they treacherously corrupt the writings of the fathers and endeavor to destroy whatever of candor remains and extinguish all memory of antiquity as far as they are able (most base . . . Continue reading →
Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (6)
XIII. Third, as to place, the question can be understood in two ways. It may be understood definitely concerning the certain and constant seat of the church (such as Rome is) and in that continued series of bishops or pastors which the . . . Continue reading →
Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (7)
XV. But we add further that our church was in the papacy itself, in as much as God always preserved in the midst of Babylon a remnant for himself according to the election of Grace (to wit, true believers who, groaning under . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 28 With Lane Keister: Does The Federal Vision Theology Lead To Rome?
Thanks to the Wonderful Wizard of Web, who has been cleaning up the HB, we have found an orphaned episode of the Heidelcast from March, 2010. This was part 4 of a series with PCA pastor the Rev. Mr. Lane Keister, who . . . Continue reading →
How Many Mediators?
In a 15 May essay in The Christian Century, Richard Mouw argues that we Protestants should perhaps re-think the question of praying to deceased Christians. He confesses that he wasn’t really well acquainted with the Roman doctrine of prayer and the intercession . . . Continue reading →
Good News (Not): Indulgences Are Back (Again)
Darryl Hart posted this today: Pope Francis will grant a plenary indulgence – a remission of all temporal punishment due to sin – to World Youth Day Catholic participants, the Vatican announced July 9. Great lots of folk assume that, after Luther . . . Continue reading →