For though Christ the Lord at the last supper instituted and delivered to the Apostles this venerable sacrament under the forms of bread and wine, yet that institution and administration do signify that all the faithful are by an enactment of the Lord to receive under both forms (Chapter 1)
It declares furthermore, that in the dispensation of the sacraments…the Church may, according to circumstances, times and places, determine or change whatever she may judge most expedient for the benefit of those receiving them or for the veneration of the sacraments; and this power has always been hers” (Chapter 2).
…Wherefore from the beginning of the Christian religion the use of both forms has not been infrequent, yet since that custom has already very widely changed, holy mother Church, cognizant of her authority in the administration of the sacraments, has induced by just and weighty reasons, approved this custom of communicating under either species and has decreed that it be considered the law, which may not be repudiated for changed at pleasure with the authority of the Church. (Chapter 2)
…If anyone says that each and all the faithful of Christ are by a precept of God or by the necessity of salvation bound to receive both species of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist, let him be anathema (Canon 1).
The Council of Trent, Session 21, (16 July 1562)
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I’ve noticed I pay attention more when my name is invoked in a post.
You had your own council! You’re really old.