Brilliant stuff from Nick at Restless and Reforming: Jesus: Simon, do you love me? Peter: Yes Lord, you know that I love you. Jesus: Fight injustice, homophobia, racism, you name it. Simon Peter, do you love me?
Emergent/Emerging Church
DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed
Kevin DeYoung, co-author of Why We’re Not Emergent (Even Though We Should We should Be) has a new blog. You can find more resources on the emergent/emerging movements here. There is also a chapter in RRC that offers a polite invitation to potential . . . Continue reading →
Tall Skinny Kiwi Reads Reforming or Conforming
Martin has the links.
Did the Reformation Spawn a Million Churches? or Who’s the Modernist Here?
That’s the old canard that the Emergent Village folks appear to be trotting out (HT: Daily Scroll). Honestly, I wonder where this lot went to school. I noted the strange historical story that EV folk tell themselves in my essay in Brian . . . Continue reading →
An Emergent "Translation" of the NT? Yikes!
Thanks to WHI producer extraordinaire Shane Rosenthal for giving us a heads up via email. Who says that the Emergent movement is harmless? If there were any doubts that it’s utterly wedded to religious subjectivism and to the worst strains of pietism, . . . Continue reading →
On Being Truly Postmodern
There is a good deal of talk in contemporary evangelicalism about the rise, nature, and effect of so-called “postmodernism,” a movement in architecture, literature, philosophy, and religion associated with a circle of French writers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. In . . . Continue reading →
Issues Etc Interview on the Emergent/Emerging Movements
Here it is. Thanks to Bruce to for the link!
Live 28 October 2008 2:20-3PM Pacific
On Issues Etc. We’ll be discussing Reforming or Conforming: Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church.
Lane Reviews "Reforming or Conforming"
Review: Reforming or Conforming
At The Voyages.
A Partim…Partim Response to Zerochurch
From the main page at Zerochurch: “We have a talk, but no preaching. We have an offering, but not for us, for the poor and oppressed. We have a warm community, but don’t care a lot about formal membership We have a . . . Continue reading →
It's In the Bookstore: Reforming or Conforming: Postconservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church
Edited by Gary Johnson and Ron Gleason, Reforming or Conforming contains essays on on Scripture (Paul Wells, and John Bolt), on John Franke’s use of postmodernism in theology (Paul Helm), on Brian McLaren’s relation to boundaries (Scott Clark), on Princeton and reason (Paul . . . Continue reading →
The Evangelical/Emergent Dance of Death
Martin has it.