Heidelcast 204—What Must A Christian Believe? (20): The Forgiveness Of Sins (2)

This is episode 20 in the series, What Must A Christian Believe? In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the tenth article, “the forgiveness of sins.” The truth of our righteousness with God is essential to the faith, it is biblical, ecumenical, and Reformation truth confessed by the churches. In our time, however, the doctrine of free acceptance with God, on the basis of Christ’s righteousness imputed and received through faith alone, is under assault once more from a variety of places, e.g., the New Perspective(s) on Paul, the self-described Federal Vision movement, and even erstwhile evangelicals who are positing two stages of justification or salvation: initial justification sola gratia, sola fide and allegedly by a final justification or final salvation through good works. For more on this see the resources below. It is vital that we get in our hearts and minds a clear, biblical, Protestant, and truly evangelical (gospel) doctrine of justification before God.



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  1. Thank you for this wonderful series. It has been very helpful to study the creed in this fashion. This section on the forgiveness of sins is especially wonderful. We need to understand that Christ is our hope, and that’s so easily lost in the warped views of justification, sanctification and salvation that seem to be all around us. You reinforce our need for the confessions in the Reformed churches as good and faithful statements of what the scriptures teach, and I keep appreciating that more and more. HC 60 is a life-saver.

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