To be justified in the sight of God, to be Justified by faith or by works. A man is said to be justified in the sight of God when in the judgment of God he is deemed righteous, and is accepted on . . . Continue reading →
remissio peccatorum
Heidelcast 202—What Must A Christian Believe? (19): The Forgiveness Of Sins (1)
This is episode 19 in the series, What Must A Christian Believe? In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the tenth article, “the forgiveness of sins.” That phrase does not occur in the earliest . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 204—What Must A Christian Believe? (20): The Forgiveness Of Sins (2)
This is episode 20 in the series, What Must A Christian Believe? In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the tenth article, “the forgiveness of sins.” The truth of our righteousness with God is essential . . . Continue reading →
“Father Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do” (Luke 23:34)
Guilt And Forgiveness “Please forgive me.” These might be three of the most difficult words in the English language to say sincerely. To say these words sincerely is to confess sin, i.e., transgression of the God’s holy moral law. God’s Word says, . . . Continue reading →