While we may never know the truth about his recent alleged denial of Christ’s divinity, the fact that the story was plausible witnesses to the lack of theological understanding that has characterized his pontificate from the start. Not since the glory days . . . Continue reading →
Reformation in the Media
Office Hours: The Reformation Then And Now With Mike Horton
Because the Reformation began 500 years ago, because the Reformers are larger than life, because we often think of them as heroes, we might forget that they were once young men, college students, who were excited by new books, new ideas, and . . . Continue reading →
Lutherpalooza Is On
The Reformation Was Not A “Modern” Event
It is widely held and assumed that the Reformation was a modern event. Reformation studies, where they still happen in state-funded universities, are nearly always categorized as “early modern.” Historians of the 16th and 17th centuries regularly describe themselves as scholars of . . . Continue reading →
Audio: With The Sinners League On The Reformation
Lex Lutheran and Calvinist Coulson (it’s a Twitter thing) were gracious to invite me to talk about the Reformation. Continue reading →
Identity Markers: Why Some Axioms Persist
Peter Berger has been an influential and important sociologist of religion for more than 50 years. He is presently Professor Emeritus of Religion, Sociology and Theology and Director of the Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs at Boston University. To review a . . . Continue reading →
Rick Warren And Catholics Together
Darryl Hart has a thought-provoking post today on Rick Warren’s recent comments about what Rome and Protestants have in common. Warren’s comments are a sterling reminder of the importance of knowing our church history. Yes, Christians of all the major traditions receive . . . Continue reading →
Protestants Looking For Authority Convert to Rome
As part of trend, which has been observed here since October 2009, a retired Episcopal minister, Larry Gipson, has become a Roman priest. Gipson was formerly the rector of the USA’s largest Episcopal church. He’s in process of becoming a Roman priest . . . Continue reading →
The Beginning of the End of the Reformation?
Father Eric Bergman, a former Anglican who converted to Rome, who shepherds a congregation of Anglicans who’ve been received into the Roman communion, predicts that the influx of Anglicans into Rome will end the Reformation. You may remember that back in October . . . Continue reading →
Sola5Radio Needs You
To listen. It’s free. It’s Reformed. It’s just a click away. Here’s the Sola5Radio blog. Listen live in your browser. Listen live in iTunes.
Sola5Radio Going 24-7 – Sneak Peek Today
Sola5Radio is offering a sneak peek at their new programming which begins officially on Monday. Check it out. Sola5Radio is featuring Office Hours, the White Horse Inn, and The Heidelcast among many programs. They’re also playing more psalms and less CCM.
Audio Quote of the Week: Why the Media Ignore Confessional Churches
From Mollie Ziegler Hemmingway of GetReligion.org on one reason why the media ignore confessional churches. Here’s the quote (thanks to Philip Walker). It’s in this interesting interview from Issues Etc.