Planning is under way for the celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. I have my doubts about 1517 as the best date to remember (but apparently Protestants were talking about 1517 as the beginning of the Reformation in the 17th . . . Continue reading →
Before the Word-Faith Hucksters
Before the modern Word-Faith (“name it and claim it” or “health and wealth”) preachers there was a huckster named Johann Tetzel (1465–1519). He is famous for his marketing of the medieval practice of selling indulgences with the jingle, “When the coin in . . . Continue reading →
Tour Neustadt With Ursinus
2013 was the 450th anniversary of the publication of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) but the Heidelpalooza continues. March through July of this year, Michael Landgraf, head of the religious pedagogical center Neustadt, portrays Zacharias Ursinus (1534—83), principal author of the Heidelberg Catechism, . . . Continue reading →
Coming Soon: The Acts And Documents Of The National Synod Of Dort
Thanks to the good work of Donald Sinnema, Christian Moser, and Herman Selderhuis (series editor), volume 1 a modern edition of Latin text of the Acts of the National Synod of Dort (Acta et Documenta Synodi Nationalis Dordrechtanae (1618–1619)) is scheduled to . . . Continue reading →
Identity Markers: Why Some Axioms Persist
Peter Berger has been an influential and important sociologist of religion for more than 50 years. He is presently Professor Emeritus of Religion, Sociology and Theology and Director of the Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs at Boston University. To review a . . . Continue reading →
Who Are The Reformers? Philipp Melanchthon
Is The Reformation Over? Register For 2017 Annual Conference And Find Out
For many Christians around the globe the Reformation may never have seemed quite as remote as it might seem today but never has it been more needed and relevant. At the moment the Reformation was inaugurated, the Scripture had been displaced by . . . Continue reading →
Video: Who Are The Reformers? Guy De Bres
Office Hours Season 8: Reformation 500—Definitions
This is season 8 of Office Hours and we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This is part 2 of a three-part introduction to the Reformation. In part 1 we looked briefly at the background to the Reformation in the . . . Continue reading →
Luther On The Difference Between Law And Gospel
The law is the Word in which God teaches and tells us what we are to do and not to do, as in the Ten commandments. …The other word of God is not Law or commandment, nor does it require anything of . . . Continue reading →
Lutherpalooza Is On
Office Hours: Godfrey On Luther (2)
At the turn of the 21st century there was a great deal of discussion about who were the most important figures in the last 1000 years. In 2017 we will celebrate the life and significance of one of those epochal figures: Martin . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Bob Godfrey On Sola Scriptura
This is season 8 of Office Hours and we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. In confessional Protestant circles we use some shorthand Latin phrases that all might not understand, even though we use them frequently. Sola scriptura, according to . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: What Happened To The Reformation? (Part 1)
It is October 2017. 500 years ago this month Martin Luther wrote 95 theses against the abuse of indulgences in the Western church. We have traced the Reformation to this date for a long time but as you and I have discussed . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: What Happened To The Reformation? (Part 2)
It is October 2017. 500 years ago this month Martin Luther wrote 95 theses against the abuse of indulgences in the Western church. We have traced the Reformation to this date for a long time but as you and I have discussed . . . Continue reading →