2013 was the 450th anniversary of the publication of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) but the Heidelpalooza continues. March through July of this year, Michael Landgraf, head of the religious pedagogical center Neustadt, portrays Zacharias Ursinus (1534—83), principal author of the Heidelberg Catechism, and offers guided tours through the city. Neustadt an der Weinstrasse is the city to which Ursinus travelled after the Reformed were expelled from Heidelberg in 1576. He travelled about 41 miles west, just beyond the borders of the Palatinate, where he, with the help Johann Casmir (1543–92), the third son of Frederick III (1515–76), founded a new school named after Casmir. The tour visits the Collegiate Church and other sites. Proceeds from the tour go toward the renovation of the Collegiate Church.
I wish I could get over to H-burg… Perhaps The Heidelblog can host a trip?!
On a lighter note: Upon close inspection, “Ursinus’s'” collar in this photo has a remarkable similarity to the air filter in our family car many years ago.