Are Church Members Free Agents?

An HB Classic

One of the biggest developments of the modern era of sports is the rise of the “free agent.” Under “free agency” an athlete is bound to a team only for a short period at the end of which he becomes a “free . . . Continue reading →

A New Program for Hired Hands

In the fundamentalist-modernist controversy in the early part of the 20th century, one of the more difficult aspects was the question of whether the “modernists” really believed the faith any longer. The suspicion among conservatives was that in some, perhaps many cases, . . . Continue reading →

The Last Thing We Need

The last thing we need is a church that keeps us sealed up in our own compartment with others of similar experiences in life. We need to be integrated into the body of Christ. Younger believers don’t need another speaker to come . . . Continue reading →

Biblical Theology Isn’t New—It’s In the Catechism

HC Q. 19 (Pt 1)

Go the reference room (virtual or real), find a encyclopedia entry on “Biblical Theology” and one will likely find an entry that begins in the 19th century liberalism. Depending upon which entries one reads, one might find reference to the Dutch Reformed . . . Continue reading →

The Healthiest Path

I myself am not sure where conservative Presbyterianism is headed. I do hold to the view that the healthiest path for conservative Presbyterianism is not celebrity speakers and theologians but churches where worship is lean, teaching confessional, and government procedural. Slow and . . . Continue reading →

Lamenting Decline or Questioning Premises and Methods

It started with John Frame’s “Warrior Children” piece in 2003. In June, 2012 Anthony Bradley wondered about the decline of popular presbyterians. More recently Bill Evans has elaborated on the theme of the decline of conservative presbyterianism. This morning I wake to . . . Continue reading →

Tesis Sobre la Teología del Pacto

1. Prolegómenos La teología del Pacto estructura la totalidad de la revelación Bíblica. La forma de los pactos revelados en la Escritura se tomó prestada del mundo antiguo del cercano oriente, se acomoda a él, y debe ser entendida en ese contexto. . . . Continue reading →

Less A Problem of What the Spirit is Doing and More a Problem of What We Say

Part 2

In part 1, I began to sketch a case that for a way between neo-Pentecostalism/Charismatic piety and a sterile piety. Genuine, confessional Reformed piety is warm, Spiritual, and vital but we understand that the Spirit works through means (Word and sacraments). This . . . Continue reading →

Less A Problem of What the Spirit is Doing and More a Problem of What We Say

Part 1

Since the early 19th century American Christianity has been largely dominated by a revival of the original Anabaptist theology, piety, and practice. One can transpose much of what took place in the 19th century over the fist generation Anabaptists (1520s) and it . . . Continue reading →

Once More: Reformed and Charismatic?

A Response to Pastor Koleoso and DGM

Our friends at DGM have done it again. This time it’s a lecture by Tope Koleoso that has folks discussing the question of the relations between the charismatic movement(s) and Reformed theology, piety, and practice. This topic was covered on the HB . . . Continue reading →

Of Grace and Second Chances

A Lesson Learned from a Missouri Farmer

Mark Sanford, former governor of South Carolina, is running for office again. He resigned his office in 2009, after his adulterous affair came to light. As part of his campaign Sanford has spoken of a “God of second chances.” This story caught . . . Continue reading →