Was the Reformation a Big Misunderstanding?

The socially conservative evangelicals do not have a doctrine of a twofold kingdom; nor do they typically distinguish between nature and grace or between the sacred and the secular. Thus the only way they can cooperate with Roman Catholics on social questions is to get them converted and baptized. Continue reading →

Vos: Don’t Give Stones For Bread

In the Judaistic controversy which shook the early church, forces and tendencies were at work deeply rooted in the sinful human heart. In modernized apparel they confront us still to the present day. There are still abroad forms of a Christless Gospel. . . . Continue reading →

William Perkins: Grace Admits No Partner

The Galatians are removed not only from the doctrine of Paul, but also from the grace of God. And the reason is because they joined the works of the law with Christ and His grace in the cause of their justification and . . . Continue reading →

Why You Cannot Earn Grace

To understand the importance of the statement “faith alone,” we need to remember why the Reformers sought to recover the doctrine of God’s grace. They wanted to emphasize the fact that we are made right with God not through any merit of . . . Continue reading →

Embracing The Reformation Doctrine Of Salvation Is Not “Wearying From The Battle”

John MacArthur is the old lion of modified Dispensationalism, which has been a gateway for many into the Reformation, but which has also been an obstacle to the Reformation. State Of The Controversy One way in which that has been true is . . . Continue reading →

Faith: The Cause Of Love

The third conclusion is that true faith works by love. Hence the papists gather that love is the form and life of faith, not because it makes faith to be faith but because it makes it to be a true faith., a . . . Continue reading →

Rome Believes In A Two-Part Justification

Before justification the sinner enters into a state of preparation whereby he, by his own free-will and in co-operation with the Holy Spirit, is prepared for future justification. During this preparation the sinner comes to accept a general knowledge of God and . . . Continue reading →

Reformation Day Lecture 2022: Why The Reformation Matters For Ministry

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Friday, October 28, 2022 At 10:00 AM Pacific: Why The Reformation Matters For Ministry

In confessional Protestant churches October 31 is Reformation Day and Dr Clark will be starting his Reformation Day celebration early, this Friday, 10:00 AM, in the chapel at Westminster Seminary California. He will be speaking on the topic, “Why the Reformation Matters . . . Continue reading →

Paul Contra Final Salvation Through Works (Romans 5:9–10)

For many evangelicals and for some ostensibly Reformed folk it has been fashionable for the last several years to teach that we are justified now by grace alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola fide), based on Christ’s righteousness imputed, but that . . . Continue reading →

Coming In December, 2022: Beza, Polanus, And Turretin On Justification

 From its inception, the goal of the Classic Reformed Theology Series from Reformation Heritage Books (sponsor of the Heidelcast) has been to present, in English, primary source texts in Reformed theology. This new volume is the sixth in the series, which began . . . Continue reading →

Romans 5:9–10: You Were Justified And You Shall Be Saved Sola Gratia, Sola Fide

For many evangelicals and for some ostensibly Reformed folk it has been fashionable for the last several years to teach that we are justified now by grace alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola fide), on the basis of Christ’s righteousness imputed . . . Continue reading →

How Did We Come To Faith?

Why should we study what the Bible says about how we came to faith in Jesus? Isn’t it enough to simply believe and let it go? After all, do not such discussions only cause hurt feelings and doctrinal arguments among believers? These are good questions. Here are two answers. First, Jesus himself calls us to pay attention to His hard words. Continue reading →