Nick wrote under another post to ask about this doctrine. I first learned about the doctrine of definitive sanctification from Bob Strimple’s lectures on it in the early-mid 1980s in seminary and then from two short essays by the late John Murray. . . . Continue reading →
John Murray
Mr Murray on Justification
Darryl has it at OLTS.
New in the Bookstore: John Murray, Principles of Conduct
If you’re looking for a basic, thoughtful, careful introduction to a Reformed approach to the Christian life, John Murray’s Principles of Conduct is a great place to start. This is one of my favorite books. it’s $12.14 plus ($5.00) shipping from The . . . Continue reading →
Mr Murray On The Distinction Between Law And Grace
…the purity and integrity of the gospel stands or falls with the absoluteness of the antithesis between the function and potency of law, one the one hand, and the function and potency of grace, on the other. —John Murray, Principles of Conduct: . . . Continue reading →
Mr Murray Distinguishes Law And Gospel
Recognition of this datum of awful sanctity, and republication of it with conviction and authority is the only path of repentance and restoration. As we recognize the awful sanctity that surrounds the law, we shall certainly be crushed with a sense of . . . Continue reading →
The 1946 OPC Minority Report On The Regulative Principle And Songs In Worship
Minority Report of the Committee on Song in the Public Worship of God Submitted to the Fourteenth General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.The above-mentioned committee presented to the Thirteenth General Assembly a report bearing upon the question of the regulative principle . . . Continue reading →
An Appreciation Of Messrs Murray And Young On The Rule Of Worship
When we think about John Murray we might think first of his defense of the biblical doctrine of The Imputation of Adam’s Sin or we might think of his judicious application of Scripture in Principles of Conduct. Others might think of Mr . . . Continue reading →
John Murray: Justification Is Still The Article Of The Standing Or Falling Of The Church
This is what is meant when we insist that justification is forensic. It has to do with a judgment given, declared, pronounced; it is judicial or juridical or forensic. The main point of such terms is to distinguish between the kind of . . . Continue reading →
A Brief But Important Quotation By Mr Murray On Romans 2:13
Philippi’s statement is worthy of quotation: “Whether or not there are such perfect ποιηται του νομου [doers of the law] the apostle does not say in this passage, but only opposes the true standard to the false standard of the Jews, that . . . Continue reading →
Murray: Because He Suffered, We Enter Glory
“If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him” is the condition upon which the attainment of the inheritance is contingent (cf. vs. 9). There is no sharing in Christ’s glory unless there is sharing . . . Continue reading →
Murray: We Don’t Guess The Decree, We Follow The Word
God has mercy on whom he wills and whom he wills he hardens. Some are vessels for wrath, others for mercy. And ultimate destiny is envisioned in destruction and glory. But this differentiation is God’s action and prerogative, not man’s. And, because . . . Continue reading →
Murray: We Don’t Peek Behind The Curtain
God has mercy on whom he wills and whom he wills he hardens. Some are vessels for wrath, others for mercy. And ultimate destiny is envisioned in destruction and glory. But this differentiation is God’s action and prerogative, not man’s. And, because . . . Continue reading →