Philippi’s statement is worthy of quotation: “Whether or not there are such perfect ποιηται του νομου [doers of the law] the apostle does not say in this passage, but only opposes the true standard to the false standard of the Jews, that ακροαται του νομου are just before God. The entire reasoning of the Roman epistle tends to this conclusion, that no man is by nature a ποιτης του νομου [doer of the law], or can be (ad loc.), Cf. also Godet, ad loc. although one cannot subscribe to his view of two justifications, “the one initial, founded exclusively on faith, the other, final, founded on faith and its fruits“.
John Murray | Epistle to the Romans: The English Text with Introduction, Exposition, and Notes | vol. 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1959), 71, n. 21.
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Another brief, and telling quotation by Calvin on 2:13 is: “They who pervert this passage for the purpose of building up justification by works, deserve to be laughed at even by children”.
Thank you David.
Can you share the source?
It’s in his commentary on Romans, specifically 2:13.
Thank you Steve.