Why Covenant Theology?

Q: 4 Why is the redemption or reconciliation of humanity with God presented to us in the form of a covenant, indeed a covenant of grace? A: God compares the means of our salvation to a covenant, indeed an eternal covenant, so . . . Continue reading →

New Article: Law And Gospel In Early Reformed Orthodoxy

Richard Muller recently celebrated his 65th birthday to mark that occasion and as part the 20th anniversary of the PhD program at Calvin Seminary, he was presented with a Festschrift (celebration book) in his honor. Jordan Ballor has the details on Opuscula . . . Continue reading →

Reformation Day 2013: A Convict, A Commentator, And A Catechism

The good folk at Escondido URC invited me to speak for their Reformation Day celebration. Since it’s the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (this is the Heidelblog, after all) I spoke on the some of the personalities behind the catechism and . . . Continue reading →

The Atrium Of Hell

Hence the horrors of conscience, which are to the elect a preparation for faith (Rom. 7. v. 9. 10. 24) inasmuch as the Holy Spirit kindles in them a desire for reconciling themselves to God. To the reprobate, however, they are the . . . Continue reading →

Clothed In The Covenant Of Grace (2)

Here is the recording of yesterday’s paper delivered to the Reformation Studies section at ETS. There are a few glitches in the audio: Below is the handout for the talk. OUTLINE Introduction: Olevianus the Churchman Olevianus as contributor to the catechism As . . . Continue reading →