Since, then, in the Articles of the Faith, which contain a summary of the gospel, Christ the King Himself offers to us that kingdom of His; and since He effectually confederates us to Himself through faith by the power of His Spirit . . . Continue reading →
Caspar Olevianus
Why Covenant Theology?
Q: 4 Why is the redemption or reconciliation of humanity with God presented to us in the form of a covenant, indeed a covenant of grace? A: God compares the means of our salvation to a covenant, indeed an eternal covenant, so . . . Continue reading →
The Covenant Of Creation Was A Covenant Of Law
At the beginning of the human race that old serpent led humanity away from the word of the law, and thus from the covenant of creation by a false interpretation. . . . The summary of this law shining forth in the . . . Continue reading →
The Substance And Administration Of The Covenant Of Grace
2. Under the new covenant or testament, however, these promised blessings are not given to all men, because God is true, thus the covenant is necessarily discriminate. These blessings are given, however, doubly when the covenant is received. In the first place, . . . Continue reading →
Olevianus: Why Covenant Theology?
Why is the redemption or reconciliation of humanity with God presented to us in the form of a covenant, indeed a covenant of grace? A: God compares the means of our salvation to a covenant, indeed an eternal covenant, so that we . . . Continue reading →
Olevianus On Moses As A Legal Covenant
For the [Mosiac] covenant was a legal covenant solemnly agreed, by which the people were obligated to present, by their own strength, perfect obedience to the Law (Matthew 22). Since the Law is the eternal rule of righteousness in the divine mind . . . Continue reading →
New Article: Law And Gospel In Early Reformed Orthodoxy
Richard Muller recently celebrated his 65th birthday to mark that occasion and as part the 20th anniversary of the PhD program at Calvin Seminary, he was presented with a Festschrift (celebration book) in his honor. Jordan Ballor has the details on Opuscula . . . Continue reading →
Reformation Day 2013: A Convict, A Commentator, And A Catechism
The good folk at Escondido URC invited me to speak for their Reformation Day celebration. Since it’s the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism (this is the Heidelblog, after all) I spoke on the some of the personalities behind the catechism and . . . Continue reading →
Olevianus On Christ As Mediator Of The Covenant Of Grace
[T]he Son of God, having been constituted by the Father as Mediator of the covenant, the guarantor on two counts: 1) He shall satisfy for the sins of all those whom the Father has given him (John 17) and he decreed from . . . Continue reading →
The Atrium Of Hell
Hence the horrors of conscience, which are to the elect a preparation for faith (Rom. 7. v. 9. 10. 24) inasmuch as the Holy Spirit kindles in them a desire for reconciling themselves to God. To the reprobate, however, they are the . . . Continue reading →
Clothed In The Covenant Of Grace
I try not to burden you too much with pieces about Caspar Olevianus (1536–87) but I’m to give a paper later this morning at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting in San Diego. It’s been a few years since I wrote anything on . . . Continue reading →
Clothed In The Covenant Of Grace (2)
Here is the recording of yesterday’s paper delivered to the Reformation Studies section at ETS. There are a few glitches in the audio: Below is the handout for the talk. OUTLINE Introduction: Olevianus the Churchman Olevianus as contributor to the catechism As . . . Continue reading →
Caspar Olevianus On The State Of Believers In The Judgment
First of all, the reason for His coming to judge is a comfort to believers. The main purpose of Christ’s coming to judge is the glorification of the church. That means that when sin and death have been fully abolished, and the . . . Continue reading →
Who Are The Reformers? Caspar Olevianus
Olevianus: Salvation Is By Grace Alone Or Jesus Is But Half A Savior
7. Q. If for the reasons given, then, the only way to eternal life is the crucified Jesus, truly God and truly human, does it not necessarily follow that all other religions or faiths, which present other ways and means to eternal . . . Continue reading →
Caspar Olevianus Defines The Gospel
9 Q. Could you give a more definitive explanation of what the gospel is? A. The gospel, or the good news that delights the heart of the poor condemned sinner, is a revelation of the fatherly and immutable will of God, in . . . Continue reading →
Olevianus On The Distinction Between Law And Gospel
10 Q. What is the difference between the law and the gospel? A. The law is a doctrine that God has implanted in human nature and has repeated and renewed in His commandments. In it He holds before us, as if in . . . Continue reading →
How Olevianus Characterized The Kingdom Of God
48 Q. Since, then, you say that the additional name “Christ” or “Anointed” implies that He came with the command of the Father to establish a royal priesthood, explain first what the kingdom of Christ is. A. A kingdom is a kind . . . Continue reading →
Caspar Olevianus: Saved For Ministry
On his 23rd birthday, 10 August 1559, Caspar Olevianus had a chance to preach his first sermon in German in a lecture hall at Trier, Germany (his birthplace). He had been waiting long for this moment. His love for the gospel had . . . Continue reading →
What Good Works Do: Show Thankfulness, Confirm Faith, Win Others To Christ
170 Q. You are not saying, then, that good works are useless? A. They do not serve to make us right with God, either wholly or in part, but they do serve this purpose: after we have been freely and graciously justified . . . Continue reading →