David writes to the Heidelcast to ask about the ten commandments. “Do you have any thoughts why the first commandment as well most of the ten commandments start with the word no?” So we know what we’re talking about let’s listen to the Ten Commandments, the Old Covenant summary of God’s moral, natural law; the law he gave to Adam before the fall, the law revealed in the conscience of every human, the law our Lord Jesus summarized in Matt 22:37-40, and which the apostles repeated in their epistles. David is correct. In Hebrew, each of the ten commandments, except the 4th and 5th, begins with the word “No.” Why? This is one of the questions answered as we open the Heidelmailbag. There is surprise audio in this episode too. Check out the show notes for more resources on these topics.
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Show Notes
- How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia
- How To Make the Coffer Clink: Use the Donate Button Below This Post
- Heidelblog Resources
- The HB Media Archive
- The Ecumenical Creeds
- Indy Reformed: Why Creeds And Confessions?
- The Role of Creeds and Confessions in Doing Theology
- The Reformed Confessions
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008).
- Resources On The Threefold Division Of The Law
- Resources on the Law/Gospel Distinction (Updated)
- Resources On the Doctrine of Sanctification And The Third Use Of The Law
- Heidelcast Series: God’s Holy Law
- Resources on the Christian Sabbath (Updated)
- Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey (Kindle); Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey (Apple Books)
Bumb’d. First of all I was fooled by the quality of that audio clip, given the timeframe when Lewis might’ve recorded it. Someone must’ve doctored it to have more accurate quality. Secondly, I have very little familiarity with various accents of the provinces in the British Isles. When I run into someone here in the states who speaks in a manner like those, I simply ask him if he is from the UK. Of course, I have since found that there are a number of different accents of residents of those British Isles, some of whom do not associate themselves at all with the United Kingdom, but with independent provinces. So….to them I say, come to the States (i.e., the former “colonies”) and travel about a bit. See if you can recognize one region of our country versus another. And good luck with that!!
Accents in England vary from county to county. I can tell if someone is from the North, the Midlands, the South, whether one is a Cockney (there was a Cockney neighborhood in Oxford and our kids picked it up). I can tell the difference between Northern Ireland and the ROI and the difference between different parts of Scotland and between the Welsh and the others but that’s as far as my expertise goes. It seems to me that British accents are more fluid than American accents. They seem to change them more fundamentally than we do and when we do, we seem self-conscious about it.
OK. Between Lola and I we’ve eliminated quite a few. It must be a Brit, based on the accent. Alec Motyer? I give up after that.
All the guesses so far have been Brits but there are different kinds of them: e.g., Welsh (MLJ), Scots, Ulstermen, and the English. This fellow was born in N. Ireland, and thus is a Brit but we think of him as English because that’s where he spent his adult life. He is C. S. Lewis. This is a clip from the little bit of remaining audio from the series of BBC talks that became Mere Christianity. His accent betrays very little of his childhood. It’s not a pure Oxford accent but it’s definitely influenced by Oxford. Someone more attuned to Northern Irish and English accents can perhaps be more precise.
John Stott?
No. Good guess. Let me know when you’ve had enough.
OK, then. P. G. Wodehouse.
You’re getting warmer.
Is it okay to read the 10 Commandments without the prologue?
Sure but it would depend upon on circumstances.
Can you the mystery voice?
You’re on the right golf course but you’re in the rough.