Heidelcast 138: With Darryl Hart On Why You Should Not Convert To Rome

Darryl Hart is Distinguished Associate Professor of History at Hillsdale College. He holds degrees from Temple, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins and has taught in numerous schools, including Westminster Seminary California where we will colleagues for a few years. He is one of the most influential scholars of the history of American religion writing today. He is the author of Calvinism: A History, A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State, and The Lost Soul of American Protestantism, one of the most important books to be published in our circles for a long time. A couple of years ago, however, he published Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Still Matters (it is only $5.00 right now from Reformation Heritage Books). This volume is highly relevant because the Reformation is still relevant. I had a query just today from a friend about someone contemplating converting to Rome. I saw a discussion today on social media about converting to Rome. I think I have at least one other email in my inbox asking about this. If you are tempted to convert to Rome or know someone who is, you need to listen to this episode and you need to share it with those so tempted.

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  1. So is it time to bring back the original wording of Westminster Confession XXV VI? (1647)?

    “VI. There is no other head of the Church, but the Lord Jesus Christ; nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense, be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.”

    As time goes on, this just seems to be the right perspective. Not mean spirited, but simply truthful.

      • This interview was really good. I so appreciate the main point, I think, that the notion of the Catholic Church being the ‘historic’ mother church to Christianity is fake, a counterfeit. I know that as I was converted to Reformed Faith, and realized there was church history before Finney, I was very confused about which counsels the true church supported, and which it did not and why. I think that was handled fairly well here.

  2. Since the “Protestant” doctrine of justification has become recast as justification in this life by faith alone, and by an evaluation of works for the next life, the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory is looking like a welcome second chance, even if you are stuck there for thousands of years. The final justification teaching of Shepherd, Piper, Wilson and many other “Protestants” lacks the comfort of purgatory. If you didn’t measure up by doing your part in this life, it’s just too late.

  3. 1 Corinthians 14:8
    If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?
    “…but if this trumpet give an uncertain sound, as it does when grace and works are blended together in the business of salvation; and faith or works or works put in the same room of, or joined with the righteousness of Christ in justification; when particular election and general redemption, or the savability of all men are put together; the covenant of grace represented as conditional, and preparations for grace, and offers of grace, and the days of grace talked of, that may be past and lost, then who can prepare himself for the battle? Persons must be thrown into, and left in the utmost uncertainty and confusion: when this is case, they know not what side to take on, but halt between two opinions; they know not what faith is they are to fight and earnestly contend for; they are not able to discern an enemy from a friend…”
    John Gill

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