Q. 154 Therefore, you say that good works are necessary to salvation? A: If faith is necessary to salvation, and works necessarily flow out of true faith, (as that which cannot be idle), certainly also it follows, that good works are necessary . . . Continue reading →
good works
Hodge: The (Lutheran) Formula Of Concord Got It Right On Good Works And Salvation
The controversy was renewed not long after in another form, in consequence of the position taken by George Major, also a pupil of Luther and Melancthon, and for some years professor of theology and preacher at Wittenberg. He was accused of objecting . . . Continue reading →
More Conference Audio: Q and A On Reformation, Sanctification, Good Works, And More
Here is the second installment of the audio from the conference, So You You Say You Want A Reformation? hosted by Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, MA. This is the question and answer session of the conference from Friday evening. Here . . . Continue reading →
Heidegger: Good Works Are Necessary As Fruit And Evidence Of Faith
VIII. New Obedience; Good Works New obedience is exercised through good works. Moreover, there are good works, voluntary actions of the sanctified, which come from a pure heart, love of God, true faith in Christ, according to the law of God, for . . . Continue reading →
Perkins: Your Good Works Are Of No Value To Your Justification
The Reasons Christians Do Good Works
The Heidelberg Catechism is in three parts: Law, Gospel, and Sanctification or Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude. This is not an artificial interpretation of the Catechism nor is it an artificial arrangement of the Christian faith. Question 2 outlines the Catechism for us: Continue reading →
Did Ursinus Teach Final Salvation Through Works?
Zacharias Ursinus (1534–83) was the principal author of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). He was responsible for perhaps as much as 70% of the catechism, though the two source documents that he created, from which much of the catechism was formed, drew from many sources (including Luther), so the source criticism of the catechism is challenging. For more on the background of the catechism see Lyle Bierma et al ed., An Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism: Sources, History, and Theology (2005) and J. I. Good, Good, The Heidelberg Catechism in Its Newest Light ( Philadelphia, PA: Publication and Sunday School Board of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1914). Continue reading →
Christian Corrects Ignorance Concerning The Role Of Good Works In Salvation
Justification And Sanctification: The Twofold Grace Of Salvation
It’s not uncommon to hear some people appeal to James 2:24 in order to argue that God saves people by faith plus works. In particular, some argue against the doctrine of justification by faith alone by appealing to this verse. They tend . . . Continue reading →
Surprising Comfort
…Does personal confidence that we will receive everlasting rewards for our works square with all the biblical data? To be very clear, the question here is not about whether we will receive those rewards, but about the issue of personal confidence that . . . Continue reading →
Perkins: Your Good Works Are All Imperfect And Mixed With Corruption
The child of God is like a lame man that goes the right way, but yet halts at every step. Abraham and Sarah desire issue, that is from the Spirit; but they desire issue by Hagar their handmaid, that is from the . . . Continue reading →
Perkins: We Are Not Justified By Our Works Either Before Or After Our Justification
"Cooperation Is Not In The Act Of Justification, Nor In The Work Of Our Salvation"
“[I] answer, that not only works done before faith are excluded, but also works that follow faith and are done in the estate of grace. For Paul here reasons thus: If no flesh be justified by works, then not we believers; but . . . Continue reading →
Olevianus: Good Works Contribute Nothing To Our Justification But They Do Have Three Purposes
170 Q. You are not saying, then, that good works are useless? Continue reading →
If James 2:24 Is Teaching Justification Through Good Works, Get Cracking
Good works proceed from saving faith; faith that does not bear fruit is not saving faith (see James 2:19). James 2:24 is talking about works as fruit and evidence of saving faith, not meritorious works that save us. In fact, James reminds . . . Continue reading →
Tyndale: Justified And Beloved
Our good deeds do but testify only that we are justified and beloved. Continue reading →
Turretin: The Fruit Of Grace Is Works
In the first covenant [the Covenant of Works], faith was required as a work and a part of the inherent righteousness to which life was promised. But in the second [the Covenant of Grace], it is demanded―not as a work on account . . . Continue reading →
Dr. Clark With No Co Radio On The Federal Vision (Part 1)
Fun, frivolity, and even serious discussions about important issues ensue when our own Dr. Clark sits down to talk with HB contributor Mike Abendroth, on his radio show, No Compromise Radio. You can subscribe to NoCo Radio and listen to the episode in . . . Continue reading →