Covenants, Adam, Modernity, and Context Pt 1 (HC 15)

15. What kind of a mediator and redeemer then must we seek? One who is a true1 and righteous man, 2 and yet more powerful than all creatures, that is, One who is also true God.3 11 Cor 15:21, 22, 25, 26. . . . Continue reading →

Covenants, Adam, Modernity, and Context Pt 2 (HC 15)

Part 1 15. What kind of a mediator and redeemer then must we seek? One who is a true1 and righteous man,2 and yet more powerful than all creatures, that is, One who is also true God.3 11 Cor 15:21, 22, 25, . . . Continue reading →

Reconsidering The Covenant Of Works

If one learned Reformed theology, in the English-speaking world, before 2005 the probabilities are that the version learned did not include either the covenant of works between God and Adam before the fall or the eternal covenant between the Father and the Son . . . Continue reading →