Before Adam’s fall it was not necessary for him to have Christ, because he was righteous and without sin, just as the angels have no need of Christ. If Adam had not fallen, it would not have been necessary for Christ to . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On The Covenant Of Works
Because what God so severely punished must have been no light sin but a detestable crime, we must consider what species of sin (peccati) there was in Adam’s fall that kindled God’s horrible vengeance against the whole human race. To regard Adam’s . . . Continue reading →
Luther On The Covenant Of Works
Before Adam’s fall it was not necessary for him to have Christ, because he was righteous and without sin, just as the angels have no need of Christ. If Adam had not fallen, it would not have been necessary for Christ to . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On The Substance Of The Covenant Of Works
Because what God so severely punished must have been no light sin but a detestable crime, we must consider what kind of sin there was in Adam’s desertion that enkindled God’s fearful vengeance against the whole of mankind. To regard Adam’s sin . . . Continue reading →
The Sacraments Of The Covenant Of Works
A sacrament, is an outward sign, which God joins to his covenant, which he hath made with men. And that is either of an eternal, or temporal covenant. A sacrament of an eternal covenant, is a sacrament, whereby God confirms the promise . . . Continue reading →
Dudley Fenner: The Covenant Of Works Promised Blessedness
CHAP. XVI. Of the Covenant of Works. Righteousness thus set forth in his several parts and branches, has of God’s free goodness a reward belonging to it, (whereupon the same called the Law, or covenant of works;) as contrariwise a punishment in . . . Continue reading →
Rutherford: Adam Was In A Temporary, Legal, Covenant Of Works
God intended a Law-dispensation but for a time. 2. Adam, how he was ordained for a Law-life. 3. How predestinated to glory in Christ, how not. 4. That the heathens have no more universal grace than devils. 5. No ground for such . . . Continue reading →
Roberts: God Made An Implicit Covenant Of Works With Adam
1. Of God’s Covenant of Works, with the First Adam, and his natural seed before the fall. APHORISM I. GOD was pleased to enter into covenant with the first Adam, before his fall. Under the term, Adam, Scripture sometimes comprehends both sexes, . . . Continue reading →
Reconsidering The Covenant Of Works
If one learned Reformed theology, in the English-speaking world, before 2005 the probabilities are that the version learned did not include either the covenant of works between God and Adam before the fall or the eternal covenant between the Father and the Son . . . Continue reading →
Sibbes: Our Communion Was First Founded Upon A Covenant Of Works
This communion and fellowship of man with God, was first founded on a covenant of works made with Adam in paradise. If he did obey, and did not eat of the forbidden fruit, he should have life both for himself and his . . . Continue reading →