A sacrament, is an outward sign, which God joins to his covenant, which he hath made with men.
And that is either of an eternal, or temporal covenant.
- A sacrament of an eternal covenant, is a sacrament, whereby God confirms the promise of eternal life.
- And that is either of the covenant of works, or of the covenant of grace.
- The sacrament of the covenant of works, is a sacrament, which God gave our first parents in the state of their first integrity.
- And that was twofold: the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
- The tree of life was a sacrament of the covenant of works, whereby that life was signified, which man should have lived, if he had stood in the obedience of God. Gen. 2. 9.
- The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was a sacrament by which was signified to man, in how good estate he was while he performed obedience to God his creator: and into how evil and miserable estate he should cast himself if he obeyed not God. Gen. 2. 17 & 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
—Amandus Polanus, The Substance of Christian Religion, trans. E. W. (London, 1595), 116–17. [Spelling and punctuation modernized]
Hi Scott,
In regards to the Tree of Life, was it something that Adam & Eve ate regularly that would
have given them continued Life & even Immortality or was it only required to be eaten once
off for its benefit of Life?, did they in actual fact even partake of it?
I’ve heard on one occasion that they had in actual fact been partaking of the Tree of Life
before they had Transgressed (and been barred from eating of it in their Fallen estate by
the Cerubs) which is the reason that they lived so long, with the virtue of it passing on to their
descendants also, this was why they also lived many years, with its effects slowly diminishing
with each new generation, before God limited our time here after the Judgement of the Flood.
The language of Gen 3:22 seems to indicate that after the fall they where barred from
from partaking of the Tree of Life in a singular instance, lest they eat & live forever.
“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil.
And now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever,”
Modern King James Version by J.P. Green
Is there any truth to this, could you give your views on these points & could you also give the
Historical Reformed consensus.
Regards Robert
Augustin, on the tree of life,
Erat ei in caeteris lignis Alimentum, in isto autem Sacrcramentum.’
In other trees there was nourishment for man; but in this also a sacrament.
Thank you Bruce.
Also see Calvin on the same place, (Gen.2:9, 17). Here, on 3:22,
Keil taught that the trees were sacramental in nature:
I remember Meredith Kline referring to the trees as sacramental signs; but I’m not sure he tied the reference to older reformed tradition.