In the wake of the recent discussions about church discipline there have been many online discussions about whether churches should exercise ecclesiastical discipline (yes, it’s one of the three marks of the true church—see Belgic Confession art. 29), how, and when. In . . . Continue reading →
When Elders And Ministers Cross The Line
In my experience, the vast majority of elders and ministers are selfless, gracious, kind, patient, and Christlike men. Most serve sacrificially. Most serve out of love for their Savior and out of love for their brothers and sisters in Christ. Unless one . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 142: When Pastors Abuse
And What To Do About It
I am interrupting the series on the doctrine of God (again), I Am that I Am, to talk about a recurring problem in the church: abuse of the sheep by the shepherd. Recently Julie Roys featured audio from a public conference by . . . Continue reading →
This Heartbreaking Story Is Being Repeated With More Frequency
But the further my transition went, the more I realized that I wasn’t a man, and never would be. We are told these days that when someone presents with gender dysphoria, this reflects a person’s “real” or “true” self, that the desire . . . Continue reading →
Gothard Replaced The Covenant Of Grace With A Covenant Of Works
One of the formative experiences of the earliest part of my Christian life was my exposure to Bill Gothard and the Institute of Basic Youth Conflicts. Each night for several nights we piled into the church bus (it was a Southern Baptist . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 180: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (23): Serving Under The Chief Shepherd
This is episode 23 in the series, As It Was in the days of Noah. We have two items of business before we turn to our passage for the episode (1 Peter 5:1–5): (1) To say thanks to Jack Miller, sometime HB . . . Continue reading →
Notes On Episode 3 Of “Who Killed Mars Hill?”
Last week I noted the new Christianity Today podcast on the rise and fall of Mars Hill church in Seattle. In episode 3 host Mike Cosper tells the story of the early days of Mars Hill. It is a familiar story of a . . . Continue reading →
It Can Be Difficult But We Need To Open Our Eyes And Pay Attention To The Facts
I am not going to quote this article on the Heidelblog because some of the language in it is not fit for a family publication.
Justin Holcomb To Speak On “Abuse, Healing, And The Church” At Christ Reformed in D. C. May 12, 2022
Jesus is the Great Physician, and the church is his hospital. It is a place for sinners—and those who have been wounded by the sins of others—to heal. Justin Holcomb describes in his speaking and writing how the heartbreaking statistics on abuse . . . Continue reading →
PCA SJC Takes Jurisdiction In Herron Case
The Presbyterian Church in America’s (PCA) highest ecclesiastical court is taking over a case allegedly mishandled by an Indiana presbytery, a letter from the presbytery shows. The case surrounds a former Indiana pastor accused of sexually harassing multiple women. The move comes . . . Continue reading →
What Happens When A Bloke Looks At The Facts About Wilson
Language Warning: He Quotes Wilson
(HT: Examining Moscow) Resources How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia The Heidelblog Resource Page Heidelmedia Resources The Ecumenical Creeds The Reformed Confessions The Heidelberg Catechism Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008) Why I Am A Christian Support Heidelmedia: use the . . . Continue reading →
A Resource For Churches Dealing With Abuse
I hate talking about abuse. I hate writing about it. However, as long as it’s happening, we must continue to face up to it. The church that puts its head in the sand is doing irreparable damage to its members. This book is about the particular problem of . . . Continue reading →
Stankorb Understands Wilson
This November, Wilson’s month of antagonistic blog posts (usually printed later as anthologies sold for $6.95) did not evoke his anticipated fear and trembling. For Wilson watchers and critics, some days online it felt like Wilson’s annual firestorm might have finally reached . . . Continue reading →
The Church Growth Ethos, Presbyterians, & Narcissism
An increasing number of pastors in the PCA are either resigning or being fired due to their narcissistic abuses undermining their ministry, which is truly disheartening. However, the more significant issue lies in the job advertisements for pastors, which often attract narcissistic . . . Continue reading →