On Troubling The “Top Men”

. . . criticism of certain leaders of evangelicalism who seek to exert massive influence in the evangelical world but who eschew proper accountability to that world is not identical with criticism of God’s people tout court. It is specifically criticism of . . . Continue reading →

A Little Leaven Infects The Whole Thing

The danger that I see in this is that many people who do not share Doug Wilson’s views on theology, history, slavery, patriarchy, marriage, sex, etc. may be allowing him to teach his views to their children without being aware of it. . . . Continue reading →

Plagiarism Is Not The Only Kind Of Fake Preaching

As the Southern Baptist Convention has been rocked with controversy over plagiarism, it’s easy to think that the extent of the problem is merely repeating someone else’s words. There is another aspect to plagiarism that often gets overlooked: Pulpiteering. Philip Doddridge in . . . Continue reading →

It Can Be Difficult But We Need To Open Our Eyes And Pay Attention To The Facts

I am not going to quote this article on the Heidelblog because some of the language in it is not fit for a family publication.

What Happens When A Bloke Looks At The Facts About Wilson

Language Warning: He Quotes Wilson

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