A Quiet Crisis In The PCA?

Many elders of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) agree that there is a crisis of one kind or another in the denomination. Ironically, one of these crises has to do with elders themselves. More specifically it concerns the participation of elders . . . Continue reading →

How To Find A Confessional Presbyterian Or Reformed Congregation

Resources How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia How to support Heidelmedia: use the donate button below The HB Resource Page Heidelmedia Resources Another Way To Find A Confessional Reformed Church In North America When Confessional P & R Congregations Do Not Exist Or . . . Continue reading →

“Gender Apartheid” And “Toxic Masculinity” In NAPARC?

Introduction Perhaps a month ago during a podcast hosted by a few women in the PCA and one woman from the OPC complaints were lodged by the hosts against what they describe as “gender apartheid” in the conservative Presbyterian and Reformed (P&R) . . . Continue reading →

Presbyterian Power Grab?

If you’ve disliked recent presidential Executive Orders or if you’re starting to think that this year’s Commissioner’s Handbook resembles the paper stack now euphemistically called ‘The Affordable Care Act’—“don’t read it, just vote with our leaders”—you may be on to something. Try . . . Continue reading →

New Reformed Congregation in the Dallas Metro

Via Exclusive Psalmody comes the announcement that the RPCNA is planting a new congregation in the Dallas metro. The RPs are an American Presbyterian denomination with roots in the Scottish Presbyterian tradition. Sometimes known as “Covenanters” because of their connections to the . . . Continue reading →

NW Georgia Presbytery (PCA) Denies Theistic Evolution and Intinction

(HT: Aquila Report) The Northwest Georgia Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) voted without objection on September 15, 2012 to adopt a “Declaration on the Special Creation of Adam and Eve for Presbytery.” Of the 14 particular churches, 8 sessions . . . Continue reading →