…Many of us are deeply concerned about the influence of Revoice doctrine upon our churches and surprised by the sympathy it has received from some in our ranks. Perhaps of even more concern is the growing ascendancy of critical theory and elements of the social gospel within the PCA.
Importing secular ideologies into our churches will poison and ultimately kill them. The landscape of church history is littered with the ruins of well-intentioned churches that thought becoming like the world was the best way to reach the world. They couldn’t have been more wrong! Our risen Lord Jesus Christ gave His church clear marching orders—The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18–20). It’s critical that we do not lose sight of it. Our mission—as it was for the apostles and the early church—is to faithfully preach the person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ, make mature disciples through the ordinary means of grace, and plant (and strengthen) healthy churches everywhere. If the church does not carry out these God-given tasks, who will?
We are at a crossroads in the PCA. I believe that the next two years will reveal what path the denomination will choose. Will it choose the path of biblical and Reformed confessionalism, the way that strives to fulfill the Great Commission through the means that God Himself promised to bless for the salvation of the elect? Or will it choose the path of compromise, allowing the culture to shape the agenda and message of the church? Will we remain Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission? Or will we embrace a progressive and confessionally dismissive agenda? Time will tell. Read more»
Jon Payne “The PCA Is At A Crossroads,” The Gospel Reformation Network, September 14, 2020.
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Are there any sites where I might find commentary or discussion of the Ad Interim Committee Report that came out a few months ago? I’d expected there to be a bit more chatter about it after the large reactions at last GA. Have you seen anything?
The only discussion I have seen has been on social media. Check with the Presbycast guys. That is not to say that nothing has been said (e.g., see the GRN site) or that nothing has been done. Two presbyteries have asked GA to take original jurisdiction of the Greg Johnson case.
Mortification of Spin also did a show on the report in July: https://www.reformation21.org/blog/pca-report-on-sexuality
A third presbytery (Southeast Alabama) has asked the General Assembly (although effectively the SJC) to assume original jurisdiction as well in addition to Central GA and Savannah River presbyteries. This is a recent development.