Heidelcast For July 17, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (8): First Head Of Doctrine (5)

In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort, articles 12 and 13. The Synod was responding to the problem of assurance. The Remonstrant theology laid waste to the Reformation doctrine of assurance and the Synod sought to rebuild the foundations. For more on this see the resources on assurance in the resources below. He also responds to a question from Moses (from Wales) about the Confession of Faith of the Calvinistic Methodists of Wales, from Nick about the relations between evangelicalism and the Reformed churches, and from Anonymous about the doctrines of Christ and the Trinity. The opening audio clip comes from the Rev. Mr Tom Wenger II, Pastor of Trinity PCA in Crofton, MD and Vice-Chairman of the Heidelberg Reformation Association.

The Heidelcast is proud to be sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. Please show them that you are grateful for their support by visiting RHB online (or in person if you are in Grand Rapids), where you can find Chad Van Dixhoorn’s Creeds, Confessions and Catechisms, which gathers 13 of Christian history’s most important documents—including the Heidelberg Catechism. This is a beautiful volume and nicely done. Dr Clark reads a bit from this volume to whet your appetite. Don’t forget: when you go to RHB please be sure to tell them that the Heidelcast sent you.

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