Heidelcast 212: Our Father (3)—For What Should We Pray?

This is part three in our series on prayer, Our Father. So far we have looked at what prayer is and why we should pray. In this episode we are considering that for which we pray. It is not always easy to know for what to pray. Paul says, “we don’t know what to pray for as we ought” (Rom 8:26). For what should we pray? If we watch certain religious television channels we might get the impression that we should pray for a fancy car or even a private jet. If we only have enough faith, so we are told, we can have a jet. We just have name it and claim it. Of course some of those same people promise us that if we send them money for a jet they will bless a handkerchief or some such nonsense. Maybe some of those television preachers do not have as much faith as they let on. Other Christians, on the other hand, seem ashamed to ask their heavenly Father for anything. The greedy prayers are easy to see as false but stingy prayers might seem pious even if they are not.



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