Heidelcast 179: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (22): How Eschatology Helps Us With Christ And Culture

In this series we have been considering Christian eschatology, i.e., what should we think about the last days, about the relations between heaven and earth, and how that informs how we think about and live the Christian life between the ascension and return of Christ. The first part of the series was a survey of what Scripture says and what Christians believe about eschatology and the second half has been a survey of 1st Peter. In this episode I want to look at a particular case to see  how what we think about eschatology affects the rest of our doctrine and our practice. The case arises in my own federation of churches, the United Reformed Churches in North AmericaWithin the last two weeks or so it has been asserted by some, in a letter to a congregation, that the doctrine of cultural transformation is a matter of Reformed orthodoxy and that anyone who dissents from what this letter describes as the “Kuyperian” tradition is “outside” of Reformed orthodoxy.  This assertion deserves some attention.



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    • Bob,

      It has been argued that Kuyper and the Kuyperians were essentially post-mil but they identified strongly as Amil. Insofar as they expected transformation of the culture prior to Christ’s return, they look and sound a lot like post-mils.

  1. We were in the CRC from ’77 to ’91. Reformed Journal at the time and Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism were part of the path to where I am now. Transformationalism was “in the air”, everywhere. Looking back…

    Carl Truman made a comment a while back, likely on Mortification of Spin, He said something to the effect that the usual picture of the kingdom of God desired state on earth the transformationalists put forward looks like what you would expect from upper middle class white Grand Rapidians. That comment crystallized my unease with the transformationalists. They would make a world comfortable for them, but not necessarily for me. “Art galleries and concert halls for the glory of God, but they would not have anyone who knows how to stake a 1911 front sight.” is how I usually think of it.

  2. This entire series has been very helpful. I am discovering that much of my own political thought has been greatly influenced by my Anabaptistic, American roots. It is no surprise that when I came to faith, I filtered my Christian views through my prior position. As I now come to more fully understand the New Testament and the Reformed confessions, I find that there are some rotten wood that must be carved out and some “de-immanentizing” to do. Thank you for so clearly addressing these issues.

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