So this interesting and important discussion continues. In his latest post, Lee accuses me of wanting “repristinate” 17th-century orthodoxy. To this all I can say is that evidently he hasn’t read my published work. I don’t think anyone would accuse me of . . . Continue reading →
Confessional Nitty Gritty: Animus Imponentis
Animus imponentis means, “the spirit of adopting,” the the OPC Presbytery of Northern California and Nevada is holding a conference in February ’09 to talk about it (HT: Creed or Chaos). This is an important topic. We need confessions and they need . . . Continue reading →
More Comments on RRC
At Frightfully Pleased Stephen continues his way through the book.
Pastor Echert is Still Reading RRC
He’s through the middle of the book and gives a fine summary.
New iTunes Feed for the Heidelcast
Thanks to Timothy Hopper for showing me how to change the iTunes feed for the Heidelcast. You can find it here. Now, when you look at the Heidelcast in iTunes it will show you the last 10 episodes. If you’re already subscribed . . . Continue reading →
Heidelscribe: Get the HB By Email
There are a variety of ways to get your daily dose of vitamin HB. You can subscribe to the RSS feed, you can try to remember to visit each day, or you can Heidelscribe by email. About three-quarters of the way down . . . Continue reading →
Exacting Subscription Opposed By Latitudinarians And Heretics
A subject of this nature will engage our attention on the present occasion: namely, the importance of creeds and confessions for maintaining the unity and purity of the visible church. This is a subject which, though it properly belongs to the department . . . Continue reading →
It’s More Than A Semantic Difference
I do not forget that some of the respected and beloved brethren, who are regarded as the advocates of the doctrines alluded to, tell us continually that they believe substantially as we believe; that the difference between them and us is chiefly, . . . Continue reading →
When Subscription Isn’t
One of the chapters in RRC is about how we relate to our confession(s). Well, the whole book is about how we relate to our confession(s) but this chapter is devoted specifically to how we subscribe them. This is a big issue. . . . Continue reading →
Progress Or Regress?
So, since our 1973 founding, the PCA has “progressed” from “committed without reservation” to our Standards, to a “good faith subscription” approach that has opened the PCA’s door to paedocommunion, intinction, female pseudo-officers, Federal Vision, theistic evolution (e.g., Biologos), et al, all . . . Continue reading →
How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia
I have had questions lately about subscribing to the Heidelblog and the Heidelcast (Heidelmedia). There are a variety of ways of keeping up with both. Heidelblog First, how to subscribe to the Heidelblog? 1. Email. On the left side of the HB . . . Continue reading →
From “Insofar As” To “Good Faith:” The Slope To The Mainline
Introduction There is what PCA RE Brad Isbell calls a “quiet crisis” in the PCA. PCA TE Jon Payne says “the future doesn’t look good for the PCA.” The presenting issue just now is so-called “Side B” or “Gay Christianity.” On this . . . Continue reading →
We Subscribe
The Reformation was above all a doctrinal reform in the life of the church. Throughout the Middle Ages, calls for reform had primarily been concerned with the moral life of the church. The Reformation certainly resulted in profound moral and spiritual renewal . . . Continue reading →