When Bellicosity is No Virtue and Other Beauties

It depends, of course, upon who is being or deemed “bellicose” doesn’t it? John Muether has a helpful meditation on this question in the latest issue of the Nicotine Theological Journal (“thus think, and smoke tobacco”—Ralph Erskine (1685-1752; in “Smoking Spiritualized“). The . . . Continue reading →

Legal and Gospel Mortification

Ralph Erskine (1685-1752) was the brother of Ebeneezer Erskine and a defender of the Reformation doctrines of justification and sanctification against the neonomians and legalists of his day. Mortification is the old-fashioned way of saying, “dying to self.” In the Heidelberg Catechism . . . Continue reading →

New Resource Page: On The Marrow Controversy

The Marrow of Modern Divinity was regarded by the orthodox Reformed, in the 17th century, as a good summary of the orthodox view of law and gospel, justification, sanctification, and the third (normative) use of the law in the life of the Christian. . . . Continue reading →