An angry God the law revealed, The gospel shows Him reconciled; By that I know He was displeased, By this I see His wrath appeased… Lo, in the law, Jehovah dwells, But Jesus is concealed; Whereas the gospel’s nothing else But Jesus Christ revealed.
Ralph Erskine | Gospel Sonnets (Glasgow: James Knox, 1760), 293.
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Ralph Erskine’s Gospel Sonnets are great. Here’s another beautiful excerpt:
O! unexampled love! so vast, so strong,
So great, so high, so deep, so broad, so long!
Can finite thought this ocean huge explore,
Unconscious of a bottom or a shore?
His love admits no parallel; for why,
At one great draught of love he drank hell dry.
The sword of awful justice pierc’d his side,
That mercy thence might gush upon the bride. -Ralph Erskine, Gospel Sonnets or Spiritual Songs, Part I, Chapter I, Section II