Whereas TE Greg Johnson has and continues to teach that Christians can be identified as homosexuals, and that those who experience same-sex temptations are not normally delivered from these, and are not normally changed in nature by the LORD; and Whereas Memorial . . . Continue reading →
Greg Johnson
Savannah River Presbytery (PCA) Requests GA To Assume Jurisdiction In Revoice Case
Savannah River Presbytery requests that the 48th General Assembly assume original jurisdiction of the case of the investigation by Missouri Presbytery of Greg Johnson and the session of Memorial Presbyterian Church with regard to theological error and involvement in the 2018 Revoice . . . Continue reading →
PCA Standing Judicial Committee Receives Complaint Regard Greg Johnson
The Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) of the PCA has received a Complaint from a Teaching Elder in Missouri Presbytery against the action of Missouri Presbytery that approved a recommendation of its Investigation Committee not to pursue judicial process against TE Greg Johnson. . . . Continue reading →
Schleiermacher In The Background: The PCA’s Struggle Over Confessional Identity
The struggle in the PCA over confessional identity is a microcosm of the macrocosm. The current discussions reveal that the PCA is on track to be another denominational domino to topple along with the mainline churches who have embraced theological liberalism. The . . . Continue reading →
This Is A Trap
Dear pastors and elders. No matter how well intended, I'm rather afraid that your words are not always heard the way you think. Here, let me translate.(If you'd like to educate yourself, you can start here: https://t.co/U1lM9kfHTF) pic.twitter.com/AWoCL40zMi — Greg Johnson | . . . Continue reading →
Responses To TE Johnson On The Nature And Status Of Same-Sex Attraction
…TE Johnson’s testimony establishes that he has seen himself as same-sex attracted since he was 11 years old. He says he has never had an attraction to a woman and that he finds the idea of looking at a woman lustfully “disgusting.” . . . Continue reading →
Jon Payne: How Can An Ordained Officer Be Above Reproach If He Maintains A Settled, Gay Identity?
The Bible teaches that ordained officers in Christ’s church must be above reproach and Christlike in character.
Johnson To The PCA: “Merry Christmas. Here Is A Lump Of Coal For Your Stocking”
For several years now, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has been roiled by controversy over whether to admit to her ministry men who are same-sex attracted but celibate (i.e., the so-called “Side B” approach). The debate has centered around a the . . . Continue reading →
A Notable Omission: What Lovelace Actually Said About Sexual Reorientation
The discerning reader may have noticed that between Lovelace’s first point and second point, there is an ellipsis (…). Some form of this ellipsis has been present every time Johnson has publicly referenced Lovelace—in the report from Missouri Presbytery’s examination in 2020, . . . Continue reading →
Shall The Radical Contextualizers Win?
Some elders in the PCA believe Johnsonism is essential to the future of the church. Others are willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for now, watching to see where it goes. These men were those who applauded Johnson’s revival-style testimony at the 2019 General Assembly in Dallas. Votes from those in this group likely defeated the proposed PCA constitutional amendments that might have clamped down on same-sex attracted officers. Continue reading →
Question A Major Revoice Premise: Is SSA An Immutable Characteristic?
Johnson’s personal experience of unrelenting homosexual desire leads him to a total rejection of the “ex-gay script,” but this judgment does not meet with the approval of all in the field of gay therapy. For example, he dismisses the work of Joseph Nicolosi, a . . . Continue reading →
Madueme And Wingard Review Johnson’s Still Time To Care
Throughout the book, Johnson denies that Christians should expect change and prefers to emphasize the stability of our sexual desires and propensities. For example, he writes, “There is no cure for corrupted nature in this life. We remain inescapably children of Adam. There . . . Continue reading →
Dear PCA, There Is Another Approach To Same-Sex Attraction: Rosaria Butterfield’s
One of the more strange aspects of the debate over Greg Johnson’s advocacy of “Side-B” homosexuality, the so-called “Gay Christian” approach, is that it has mostly ignored Rosaria Butterfield’s analysis of the issue and her experience. As one HB commenter wrote this . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 224: From Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (2)—Introduction To The Canons Of Dort (2)
In this episode Dr Clark continues the series on the Canons of Dort (1619). There is a popular narrative among Arminians (and perhaps others) that the Arminians were the victims of an unprovoked theological, ecclesiastical, and political attack by Calvinists. Nothing could . . . Continue reading →
Hammers And Nails (And PCA Overtures)
Prior to the 21st century, it was not uncommon for one’s elders in home, church, or community to have a significant influence on one’s attitudes, beliefs, and general outlook on life. If Marc Prensky was right (I believe he was), this changed . . . Continue reading →
Engaging Greg Johnson
The church desperately needs clear, careful, biblical, and confessional interactions with these issues. Still Time to Care, however, is not these things – for that reason, this AIC cannot recommend it as a general resource for our churches. Rather, we encourage our . . . Continue reading →