I ask that Smith College stop reducing my personhood to a racial category. Stop telling me what I must think and feel about myself. Stop presuming to know who I am or what my culture is based upon my skin color. Stop . . . Continue reading →
Critical Theory
Everything Is A Construct
The deconstructionists have a point: everything created is a construct. Continue reading
Why You Should Get Your Child Out Of Public School
Note: Things are only getting worse in the public schools across the USA. When I first addressed this it was out of alarm about the amazing but largely ignored problem of sexual predators roaming the halls in public schools across the USA. . . . Continue reading →
Sometimes The Comment Box Is Worth Reading
I do not typically read website comments. There are exceptions. Continue reading
How The Woke Revolution Works In Practice
My husband and I co-founded a justice-oriented non-profit org 11 years ago. At the time, we knew nothing about Critical Social Justice or Critical Theory. Our motivation was to address disparities in mental health care. We’d learned that lay people (ppl without . . . Continue reading →
Trueman: The Psalms Are Better For What Ails Us Than Critical Race Theory
Does critical race theory contain some truths? Yes. Neil Shenvi recently pointed this out. Does it offer helpful insights that cannot be better found elsewhere? I have yet to see any. Indeed, I consider the Psalter itself to offer a far better . . . Continue reading →
Your Ethnic Identity Is Important But It Is Not Ultimate
Christians are not Gnostics. Against the Gnostics, Christians have, since the first quarter of the second century, affirmed the essential, inherent goodness of creation. Against the Gnostics and Marcionites we also affirmed the unity of the covenant of grace. Both of those truths help us to address the problem of ethnic tensions in Christ’s church. Continue reading
Would You Know A Bad-Faith Argument If You Saw One?
These questions, however—important as they are—do not yet capture the essence of our disagreement. In our view, our disagreement lies not in the questions themselves, but in the starkly differing ways in which we respectively relate to them. Namely, while DeYoung appears . . . Continue reading →
Racism Is A Sin And A Social Problem But Maoist Struggle Sessions Are Not The Answer
This is Penn State sociology prof, Sam Richards teaching Sociology 119. It is fine for a prof to call out a student for being unprepared but it is fundamentally wrong and un-American to humiliate a student for an immutable characteristic. Continue reading →
They Turned The Covenant Of Grace Into A Covenant Of Works (Or Why The Distinction Between Law And Gospel Matters)
Understanding The Duplex Regimen Would Also Help
…In replying to DeYoung, Kwon and Thompson could have replied in kind, foregrounding the theological questions raised by DeYoung. Indeed, they could easily have made the case that on the merits of DeYoung’s own theology he should be far more concerned about . . . Continue reading →
Princeton Seminary Catches Up With Machen On Segregation?
Almost three years ago there was a controversy over the disclosure and publication of Machen’s hitherto unpublished letter to his mother in which he mentioned his objection to B. B. Warfield over the latter’s plan to integrate the seminary’s dormitory. Predictably, Machen was denounced by social progressives. They might have spoken too soon, however, since apparently PTS has come to agree with Machen in principle and practice. Continue reading
What Is Equity?
The word of the day is Aequitas (pronounced, ay-qwee-tas). If you have been paying attention to the cultural discussions current in the West, if you have children in school or are aware of the sorts of discussions that are occurring in schools boards . . . Continue reading →
Medical School Professors Denying The Reality Of Biological Sex?
During a recent endocrinology course at a top medical school in the University of California system, a professor stopped mid-lecture to apologize for something he’d said at the beginning of class. “I don’t want you to think that I am in any . . . Continue reading →
Another Sign Of The Collapse Of Liberal Education
Talk About "Systemic" Issues
The more I spoke out about these issues, the more retaliation I faced. Continue reading →
Another Salvo (This One From The Left) Against The 1619 Project
On a hot, drowsy August Saturday, a copy of the New York Times Magazine devoted entirely to something called The 1619 Project landed on my doorstep, and immediately grabbed my attention. It took me little time to comprehend the project’s purpose, or . . . Continue reading →
Sometimes The Side Effects Are Intended
Individual monomania is rarely a social problem. One person who is obsessed with butterflies or with a particular celebrity, or who sees everything in sexual, economic, or religious terms, is just an eccentric, although sometimes a tiresome one. The monomaniac may suffer . . . Continue reading →
University Professor To Be Fired Because He Did Not Apologize For Students Rushing To Judgment
Theater students study the principle of the “willing suspension of disbelief,” meaning that in order to enjoy a show, audience members must suspend their critical thinking and believe that the performance onstage is really happening. To make sense of Coastal Carolina University’s . . . Continue reading →
Yes, It is In The Schools
The genesis of CRT in education is arguably Gloria Ladson-Billings’s seminal essay “Just what is critical race theory and what is it doing in a nice field like education?” In it, she repudiates the slow progress of the civil-rights movement and concludes . . . Continue reading →
On The State Of Higher Ed In America And The Hope Represented By A New University
This is a bold and indeed a risky undertaking, but one that we wholeheartedly support. The educational establishment in this country is worse than moribund. It is a disaster—and not (to adapt an image from the philosopher David Stove) a static disaster . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 206—What Must A Christian Believe? (22): The Resurrection Of The Dead
Happy New Year from the Heidelcast! This is episode 22 in the series, What Must A Christian Believe? In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the eleventh article, “the resurrection of the dead.” The Ancient . . . Continue reading →