Heidelcast 206—What Must A Christian Believe? (22): The Resurrection Of The Dead

Happy New Year from the Heidelcast! This is episode 22 in the series, What Must A Christian Believe? In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the eleventh article, “the resurrection of the dead.” The Ancient Biblical expectation (that is what we mean by hope) was that, at the end, all humans shall be raised: believers to life eternal and unbelievers to eternal punishment. Hebrews 11:17–19 says, “By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering up his only son, of whom it was said, ‘Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.’ He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back.” Abraham believed in the resurrection from the dead. A millennium later David confessed his hope in the resurrection in Psalm 16. The early post-apostolic church confessed their hope in the resurrection in the Rule of Faith, which later became the Apostles’ Creed. This is basic Christianity and essential for understand our world and our salvation. Along the way, in this episode, we will do battle with Gnostics old and new (e.g., Deconstructionists, LGBTQ movement) and re-learn some of the truths the early Christians taught against the Gnostics of their day. Please check out the show notes for this episode for more resources and some important titles touching on some of the topics we covered in episode 206.



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One comment

  1. As Paul said, if Christ is not risen then our faith is in vain. This is fundamental. Someone who doesn’t believe in the Resurrection may admire the teachings of Jesus and seek to follow them but he will not be a Christian. If only we could get this clear it would save a lot of trouble. We would be so much better off if people who are not Christians stopped pretending to be Christians. This includes those who would try to sidestep the issue by claiming to be believe in a “metaphorical” resurrection.

    I think this is all part of a strategy. People who pretend to be Christians are fifth columnists. They are undermining the faith from within. This doesn’t have to be a deliberate strategy on their part. They may in some sense believe that they are Christians but if so they are merely pawns in the game.

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