The Legacy Of Martin Luther King (Updated)

In view of the Martin Luther King holiday I’m re-posting the interview with Mika Edmondson about his work on Dr King. § Americans are in the midst of a national discussion about race. It’s a difficult discussion, one that is not always . . . Continue reading →

Ninth Circuit Extends First Amendment Protection To Bloggers

The Ninth Circuit ruled Friday that bloggers are protected by the first amendment of the bill of rights. The case arose after a court-appointed trustee sued a blogger for defamation. A jury sided with the lawyer but the Ninth Circuit overturned the . . . Continue reading →

The Michael Sam Case: Is Being Homosexual The Same As Being Black?

Late at night and sometimes in the middle of the night I listen to sport-talk radio as a distraction, so I can sleep. Sports-talk radio is usually inconsequential and it works. Sometimes, however, real life intrudes into Nebraska football talk. That happened . . . Continue reading →

The Real Danger Of Theocracy In America

Since evangelical re-engagement with social and cultural issues in the mid-1970s, symbolized by the 1976 election of a self-professed born-again, Southern Baptist (Democrat) from Georgia to the White House, in the wake of the Watergate scandal, against the background of the Moral . . . Continue reading →

When A Society Turns To Skepticism

No amount of force, or gun-control legislation, is going to fix a society where there is no longer a sense that we have law rooted in truth, which every citizen, in every station of life, respects and takes seriously. —Star Parker