UPDATE 17 June 2009 The legal case has been resolved.
civil rights
50th Anniversary Of The “Dream” Speech
For more here’s a recent Office Hours interview with Mika Edmondson on Dr King’s legacy.
The Legacy Of Martin Luther King (Updated)
In view of the Martin Luther King holiday I’m re-posting the interview with Mika Edmondson about his work on Dr King. § Americans are in the midst of a national discussion about race. It’s a difficult discussion, one that is not always . . . Continue reading →
Ninth Circuit Extends First Amendment Protection To Bloggers
The Ninth Circuit ruled Friday that bloggers are protected by the first amendment of the bill of rights. The case arose after a court-appointed trustee sued a blogger for defamation. A jury sided with the lawyer but the Ninth Circuit overturned the . . . Continue reading →
The Michael Sam Case: Is Being Homosexual The Same As Being Black?
Late at night and sometimes in the middle of the night I listen to sport-talk radio as a distraction, so I can sleep. Sports-talk radio is usually inconsequential and it works. Sometimes, however, real life intrudes into Nebraska football talk. That happened . . . Continue reading →
On What Political Correctness Really Is
“Political Correctness” is a euphemism for the silencing tactics of power elites who are pushing power-consolidating agendas. It works by isolating and marginalizing anybody who might get in the way of those agendas, through smears and threats and psychological manipulation. I think . . . Continue reading →
What Is On The Line In The Stutzman Case? Freedom In America
More information from the Alliance Defending Freedom.
The Real Danger Of Theocracy In America
Since evangelical re-engagement with social and cultural issues in the mid-1970s, symbolized by the 1976 election of a self-professed born-again, Southern Baptist (Democrat) from Georgia to the White House, in the wake of the Watergate scandal, against the background of the Moral . . . Continue reading →
The Redefinition Of “Free Exercise”
When one judge asked whether an oil painter had to create a painting celebrating same-sex marriage, an ACLU lawyer replied yes, Tedesco noted. “And if they don’t want to have to do that, then they can close down their business and just . . . Continue reading →
U. S. Senator Tim Scott On Solutions To The American Racial Crisis
When A Society Turns To Skepticism
No amount of force, or gun-control legislation, is going to fix a society where there is no longer a sense that we have law rooted in truth, which every citizen, in every station of life, respects and takes seriously. —Star Parker
Andy Ngo, Jonathan Turley, Et Al Testify Before Congress On Antifa
Antifa was expressly founded as a movement at war with free speech, defining the right itself as a tool of oppression. That is also clearly stated in this handbook. The signature of the group is a self-righteous, rage-fueled violence that parallels . . . Continue reading →
What “Science!” Cannot Do
Science is a tool with limitations. Science does not tell you how you should live your life, and science does not tell politicians what policies they should set. It may and, in many circumstances does, provide helpful information in making such decisions, . . . Continue reading →
In A Shocking About Face Some Americans Want To Go Back To The Pre-Civil Rights Era
I ask that Smith College stop reducing my personhood to a racial category. Stop telling me what I must think and feel about myself. Stop presuming to know who I am or what my culture is based upon my skin color. Stop . . . Continue reading →
Everything An American Constitutionalist Needs To Know About The “Equality Act” In One Sentence
“As written, the act would Continue reading
Are Christian Nationalists The Same As Christians Invested In Their Nation?
Most of the literature on Christian nationalism is written by activists and journalists who clearly have axes to grind. The concept is ill-defined, often amounting to little more than the idea that Christians are bringing their faith into the public square to advocate for . . . Continue reading →
Religious Freedom Watch: Physician Assistant Fired For Not Using “Biology-Obscuring Pronouns”
First Liberty filed a lawsuit in federal court this week on behalf of Valerie Kloosterman, a physician assistant who was fired by the University of Michigan Health System because of her religious beliefs. She was terminated for seeking a religious accommodation from . . . Continue reading →
Religious Freedom Watch: The Government Is Choosing Which Rights Are Worthy Of Protection
As Alliance Defending Freedom’s Kristen Waggoner so aptly put it in her closing remarks, everyone in Colorado is allowed to speak freely about same-sex marriage except those who object to it. The Biden administration’s Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher even admitted during . . . Continue reading →