As Alliance Defending Freedom’s Kristen Waggoner so aptly put it in her closing remarks, everyone in Colorado is allowed to speak freely about same-sex marriage except those who object to it. The Biden administration’s Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher even admitted during a back-and-forth with Justice Amy Coney Barrett that a website designer could object to creating a site for a Catholic organization because he disagrees with the church’s views on marriage, but could not object to creating a site for same-sex marriage because religion isn’t a protected status, while sexual orientation is.
Consider just how radical this line of reasoning is. According to the deputy solicitor general of the U.S., the government gets to determine which beliefs are worthy of protection and which ones aren’t. Read More»
Kaylee McGhee White | “In 303 Creative, government tries to hide its disdain for religious Americans” | December 5, 2022
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