In Order for Leviathan to Flourish He Must First Kill Natural Law

An HB Classic

Stanley Fish proposes to go back to Thomas Hobbes. The Leviathan (Whale)-like civil authority is precisely why our founders said: “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” and appealed to “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and to the “the . . . Continue reading →

Office Hours: The Legacy of Martin Luther King

Americans are in the midst of a national discussion about race. It’s a difficult discussion, one that is not always conducted well either by politicians or preachers. Dr Martin Luther King is not only a central figure in this discussion but he . . . Continue reading →

The Legacy Of Martin Luther King (Updated)

In view of the Martin Luther King holiday I’m re-posting the interview with Mika Edmondson about his work on Dr King. § Americans are in the midst of a national discussion about race. It’s a difficult discussion, one that is not always . . . Continue reading →