(HT: Anthony Carter)
Race and Reformation
The African-American Church Experience
Kevin DeYoung has posted resources including audio from a Calvin College history prof.
The Strange Case of Jena, LA (Updated)
UPDATE 17 June 2009 The legal case has been resolved.
Heidelcast 72: The Covenant Of Grace And Race
If you’ve been near social media or a television recently you probably know about the troubles in Ferguson, Missouri. It’s a predominantly African-American suburb of St Louis where, around Noon on Saturday August 9, 2014 a Mike Brown, a young, 18-year old, . . . Continue reading →
St Paul’s Resolution Of Longstanding Class Grievances
Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands—remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours With Dr Vincent Bacote: Facing Race
The problem of race in America is more deeply embedded and intractable than most American Christians probably realize. Everyone reads Scripture in a context, in a culture and that reality influences the way we understand and apply it. Race, slavery, Jim Crow, . . . Continue reading →
What’s A Commissioner To Do?
Incredibly, the Governor of Iowa has nominated me for a place on a statewide commission.1 My nomination is pending confirmation by the state senate in April. It is an out of the way, low level commission. The stakes are low. There won’t . . . Continue reading →