In volume three, where Owen begins his commentary proper on the text of Hebrews, he makes illuminating remarks on Hebrews 3:1–2, about how he understood the movement of redemptive history and the comparison and contrast that Paul makes in Hebrews between Moses . . . Continue reading →
This Year’s Top Podcast Episode: Chad Vegas On Covenant And Baptism (1)
This year’s top podcast episode was part one of a six-part Heidelcast series by Chad Vegas on covenant theology and baptism. This Heidelcast series was followed by a series of articles on Recovering the Reformed Confession, which you can find here. . . . Continue reading →
John Owen Did Not Read Hebrews Like A Baptist (Part 3)
It is a small thing—so small that it might go unnoticed—but as in Exercitation VI, in Exercitation XIX where Owen considered the “State and Ordinances of the Church Before the Giving of the Law,” he consistently spoke of the “Jewish church.”1 To . . . Continue reading →
John Owen Did Not Read Hebrews Like A Baptist (Part 2)
In his exercitation on “the oneness of the church” Owen argued seven points. Each and all of them were in the service of what Reformed theology calls the unity of the covenant of grace. For Owen and the mainstream of Reformed orthodoxy, . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Q&A On Baptismal Regeneration
Dr Clark answers a question on baptismal regeneration. Continue reading →
John Owen Did Not Read Hebrews Like A Baptist (Part 1)
It is the habit of some of our Particular Baptist friends to imply, suggest, or even to say plainly that the great English Reformed theologian John Owen (1616–1683) was practically Baptist in his covenant theology.1 He is arguably one of the greatest theologians . . . Continue reading →
Devlet Kiliseyi Taklit Etmeli Mi?
K isimli bir okuyucumuz bana yazarak şu soruyu sordu: “Eğer Tanrı’nın Sözü kadınların öğretmesini ve yetki kullanmasını yasaklıyorsa, devlet neden aynı ilkeyi izlemesin?” Bu güzel ve ilginç bir soru. Elçi’nin 1 Timoteos 2:11-13’te kadın-erkek ilişkilerine dair öğretisini 613 emir (mitzvoth) yerine yaratılışa . . . Continue reading →
Au Crezut Creștinii În Predestinare Înainte De Sf. Augustin?
Un cititor al blogului, pe nume David, ne-a contactat recent cu o întrebare pe care i-a adresat-o cineva: „Ce cred părinții bisericii dinaintea lui Augustin despre liberul arbitru? Mi s-a spus că toți părinții bisericii dinainte de Augustin au susținut o poziție . . . Continue reading →
Hepimiz Gerçekten İbrahim’in Çocukları mıyız?
Geçenlerde duyduğum bir şey, üç büyük Batı dini hakkında sıkça dile getirilen bir iddiayı düşünmeme neden oldu: Yahudilik, Hristiyanlık ve İslam. Hepimizin sık sık “kitap ehli” ve aynı sıklıkta da “İbrahim’in çocukları” olduğumuz söylenir. Bazen bu iki ortak noktaya dayanarak, birbirimizi ortak . . . Continue reading →
The Belief Continuum
Often, we employ a single word for many uses; even for similar uses. We employ belief (and its cognate verb) to mean at least four things, each of which can also be usefully distinguished from the others, on a continuum: prejudice, opinion, . . . Continue reading →
Abraham, Moses, and Baptism
I am in the midst of an interesting discussion of baptism with a friend. This friend has Baptist convictions, yet he understands Reformed theology better than many of the Reformed. He is quite sympathetic to historic and confessional Reformed theology. For example, . . . Continue reading →
Did The Reformation Corrupt The Gospel By Baptizing Babies?
That is just one of a series of claims made recently by my friend Mark Dever, who is a devout Baptist. Rather than reading my summary of Mark’s claims, you should watch this brief video clip for yourself, to which I will . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (14): Doxology for the Downtrodden
Now, to the one who has the power to protect you from stumbling and to set you blameless in the presence of his glory with gladness, 25 to the only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (13): How to Keep Yourself in God’s Love
Despite all this, you beloved, by building yourselves upon your most holy faith, by praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love by waiting for the mercy of our Lord Christ Jesus that results in everlasting life.22 Further, one . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (12): Remember to Remember
Despite all this, beloved, you must remember the words foretold by our Lord Jesus Christ’s apostles, 18 since they said to you, “In the last time, there will be mockers, pursuers of ungodliness according to their own desires. 19 These are the . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (11): Destined for Destruction
Further, Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about these false teachers, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones 15 with the result of executing judgment against everyone and with the result of convicting every soul concerning . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (10): Empty Promises
Woe to them because they walked in Cain’s way and committed themselves to Balaam’s error for the sake of pay and perished in Korah’s rebellion. 12 These false teachers are hidden reefs at your love feasts by feasting with you without reverence, . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (9): Lean Not On Your Own Wisdom
Nevertheless in like manner also these false teachers by being dreamers, on the one hand defile the flesh, but also rebel against authority, but further blaspheme the glorious angels. 9Now, Michael the archangel, while deliberating with the devil, disputed about Moses’ body, . . . Continue reading →
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love––An Exposition of Jude’s Epistle (8): The Lord’s Word is Better than Our Own
Nevertheless in like manner also these false teachers by being dreamers, on the one hand defile the flesh, but also rebel against authority, but further blaspheme the glorious angels. Jude 8 (author’s translation) GPS, especially as we have it on our phones, . . . Continue reading →
Is Baptism A Secondary Doctrine?
More than one person has said to me, through the years, that baptism is a “secondary doctrine” and not a doctrine over which the church should be divided. Obviously, confessional Baptists do not agree with such a claim, or else they would . . . Continue reading →