Bantering With Keith Foskey About Law, Gospel, Baptists, And More

On this special episode of YourCalvinist Podcast, Keith welcomes Professor R. Scott Clark to discuss a variety of theological topics, including why he does not accept the term “reformed baptist” as a proper historical category.



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  1. There’s a difference between Covenantal and Dispensational/MacArthurlike Baptist churches. What you highlighted @JP is the latter (assuming it’s Calvinistic).

    In terms of sacramental error among non Presby/Reformed and non-JI Packer type Anglicans, all things being equal I still tend to err towards a Lutheran church (where I’m baptized but can’t commune) vs a Baptist church (where I’m not baptized and *shouldn’t* commune, arguably). It’d really depend on the group since each Baptist church has a distinct approach confessionally.

    • I don’t believe it’s Calvinist, not from what I can discern. This is what makes it so concerning. How can you go from covenantal theology regarding infant baptism to believer only baptism? They of course confess ‘covenant’ during their baptisms but it is their ‘choice’. In my estimation, it is the attractiveness of programs and a sense of control. This is a huge concern for me. I would struggle recommending a Baptist denomination. Particularly since there is such a wide range of confessions. Is any church better than no church? I don’t know.

      • Any church is better than no church as long as it faithfully upholds the gospel and is not a false church. As the WCF points out, each church is more or less pure. To be fair, many would struggle recommending a presbyterian/continental denomination as well since there is a wide range of confessions and individual positions taken.

        From what you’ve said I’m sad as well that your friends have left and joined this church. Hopefully God will use this to grow them and lead them to a more solid church, perhaps through your efforts!

  2. Haven’t had time to watch the whole thing, but I am distinctly uncomfortable with ‘recommending’ a Baptist church, not only because of the baptism issue, but the millennial/rapture issue. As I’ve said before, this is such a sticky situation, as our congregation has lost members to the Baptist church

    • If we’re talking about particular/reformed Baptist, the vast majority of them are amil, and then postmil. Not all of them are rapture people for sure. Either way, I would argue end times views are tertiary matters at best.

      • That is almost like saying it’s not a salvation issue. The church in my community where several families from our reformed community have gone to have this to say about the end times. This is a conservative Baptist Church with a very dynamic preacher and a full slate of extracurricular/Sunday activities.
        “We believe in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of Christ for His Church, and that at that moment the dead in Christ shall be raised in glorified bodies, the living in Christ shall be given glorified bodies without tasting death, and all shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air (I Corinthians 15:51-57; I Thessalonians 4:13-17).
        We believe that after the great tribulation, Christ will return to the earth with the saints to sit upon the throne of David and establish His millennial reign (Zechariah 14:1-11; Matthew 24:27-31; Revelation 19:1-16; 20:1-6).”

        • Yes. End times views are not a salvation issue. Brothers and sisters can be pre post or a.

          It looks like that church is a general baptist church, which do tend to be premil. But confessional/particular/reformed Baptists are usually amil or postmil.

          • The term “not a salvation issue“ was said with tongue and cheek. This is a term which is used to justify improper theology.

          • Haha I am aware. I’m just pointing out that calling any matter of disagreement improper theology can be very divisive. For instance, even in the URC, professor Clark’s denominations, members can be pre post or amil. Is one view “right” and the others “wrong”? Of course. But if we treat our disagreements over it the same as we would a disagreement over justification we have clearly gone astray.

            God bless.

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