Heidelcast For July 10, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (7): First Head Of Doctrine (4)

In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort starting with Canons of Dort 1.8. They confessed what they did because the Remonstrants were dissatisfied with the basic insights of the Reformation and thus of the Reformed faith. They did not agree with the Protestant articulation of the gospel, that Christ came for his elect, to be their obedient, righteous substitute, to die for them, to be raised for them and to save them utterly and only by grace alone. They did not accept the Protestant definition of faith as resting in, receiving, and trusting in Christ alone for our salvation. The Synod of Dort met to defend those basic convictions against the Remonstrants. In this episode Dr Clark also answers questions from Andrew about commentaries on the ecumenical creeds, from Joel about the affect of WWI on American religious communities, from Curt about a job finding fellowship while working a job that requires work on the Lord’s Day, and from Mari about the recent article on winsomeness.

The Heidelcast is proud to be sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. Please show them that you are grateful for their support by visiting RHB online (or in person if you are in Grand Rapids), where you can find John Witherspoon’s volume, Justification and Regeneration: Practical Writings on Saving Faith. Witherspoon (1723–94) was born in Scotland and ministered to two congregations there before accepting an appointment as president of the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University) in 1768. Today, Witherspoon is mainly remembered as the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. He was also active in politics after the revolution, serving in the New Jersey legislature. What most probably do not know is that he was also a theologian. Dr Clark reads a bit from this volume to whet your appetite. Don’t forget: when you go to RHB please be sure to tell them that the Heidelcast sent you.

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