Few Christians doctrines have been as controverted, in the modern period, as the atonement. For whom did Christ die? What did he accomplish in his death? Should we say that Christ died for all? These are just some of the questions addressed . . . Continue reading →
Limited Atonement
Resources How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia A URCNA Church Plant Is Coming To Indianapolis Limited Atonement Resources On The Atonement
A. A. Hodge Contra Amyraut
11. What is the view of this subject entertained by the French Protestant theologians, Camero, Amyraut, and others? These theological professors at Saumur, during the second quarter of the seventeenth century, taught that God, 1st. Decreed to create man. 2d. To permit . . . Continue reading →
Brakel: Amyraut Claimed A “Middle Way” And A Way To Remove The Offense Of Particular Atonement
Amyraut, and all who follow him, maintain to have found a middle position whereby the offense of the true doctrine can be removed. They hold to the existence of two decrees. One is a universal decree whereby God, being graciously disposed towards . . . Continue reading →
Christ’s Death And Ours (Isa 52:13–53:12; Heidelberg 40–44)
40. Why was it necessary for Christ to suffer “death”? Continue reading →
Heidelcast 194: What Must A Christian Believe? (11) On Christ’s Obedience And Atoning Death
In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the fourth article: “suffered under Pontius, Pilate, crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell.” In this episode we consider Christ’s suffering and death and in the . . . Continue reading →
“Father Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do” (Luke 23:34)
Guilt And Forgiveness “Please forgive me.” These might be three of the most difficult words in the English language to say sincerely. To say these words sincerely is to confess sin, i.e., transgression of the God’s holy moral law. God’s Word says, . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For July 24, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (9): Second Head Of Doctrine (1)
In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the Second Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort on the atonement. Synod was responding to Remonstrant criticisms that the orthodox Reformed . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For July 31, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (10): Second Head Of Doctrine (2)
In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the Second Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort on the atonement. In the debate between the Remonstrants (Arminians) and the Reformed, . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For August 7, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (11): Second Head Of Doctrine (3)
In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the Second Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort on the atonement. Rationalism is a word that gets tossed around rather casually . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For August 14, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (12): Second Head Of Doctrine (4)
In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the Second Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort on the atonement. In their second head of doctrine, the Remonstrants confessed, in . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For August 21, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (13): Second Head Of Doctrine (5)
In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the Second Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort on the atonement. He reads an email from Victor (from Canada) asking about . . . Continue reading →
How Not To Write A Thesis On The Atonement
At least two delegates at the Synod of Dort (1618-19) were toying with alternate language regarding the atonement. Continue reading →
A Sacrifice for Sin Made by God to God: A Review of Benjamin Wheaton’s Suffering not Power
In his book Suffering Not Power: Atonement in the Middle Ages, Benjamin Wheaton, a PhD graduate from the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto, challenges the conventional narrative popularized by Gustav Aulén that Christus Victor was the prevailing view . . . Continue reading →
Jon Moffit on Pietism and Assurance: Men’s Conference in Monroe, Michigan, March 3–4 2023
On the mountain, Jesus taught his disciples to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matt 6:33). The overall aim of the Christian life is to pursue God’s kingdom, not our own kingdoms in this world. Turning away from ourselves, . . . Continue reading →
Warfield On “Love” And “World” In John 3:16
Strange as it may sound, it is true, that many—perhaps the majority—of those who feed their souls on this great declaration, seem to have trained themselves to think, when it falls upon their ears, in the first instance at least, not so . . . Continue reading →