Many readers of these pages know only a sliver of the interests of the Heidel-Head. Not only is Dr. Clark an elite Oxford historian, but he is also a Nebraska football nerd. He grew up in Nebraska during the heyday of Cornhusker . . . Continue reading →
Starkweather: Depravity, Dystopia, And The Death Penalty In The Heart Of America
On this date in 1959 the state of Nebraska executed the death sentence upon Charles Starkweather, an admitted, notorious spree killer and mass murderer. Certainly, when “Charlie” (as he was known) was captured after a shootout in Douglas, Wyoming there was little doubt and by the end of his trial it was certain that he had committed a shocking and brutal series of murders in and around what was then a sleepy college town and state capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska. The only real question that remained through the trial, which persists to this day, is whether Caril Ann Fugate, whose family Charlie murdered, accompanied him willingly during his spree, whether she cooperated in or even committed some of the murders, or whether she was a hostage (as she later claimed) and suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. Continue reading →
A Note To My Hometown About The Drag Queen Story Hour And The Powers That Be
The lede in the Lincoln Journal-Star says it all (and perhaps more than the writer intended): “A planned drag queen story hour started like a normal event for the Lincoln group, said organizer Waylon Werner-Bassen.” He was talking about a private event . . . Continue reading →
Americans Are Going Home. Maybe It Is Time To Think About About Planting Churches There Too?
Some dear friends left their life in the city and moved back home a few years ago. They live in his Mom and Dad’s place in the Sandhills of Nebraska. North Platte (pop. 23,000), a hour to the south, is the nearest . . . Continue reading →
Starkweather: Depravity, Dystopia, And The Death Penalty In The Heart Of America
On this date in 1959 the state of Nebraska executed the death sentence upon Charles Starkweather, an admitted, notorious spree killer and mass murderer. Certainly, when “Charlie” (as he was known) was captured after a shootout in Douglas, Wyoming there was little doubt and by the end of his trial it was certain that he had committed a shocking and brutal series of murders in and around what was then a sleepy college town and state capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska. The only real question that remained through the trial, which persists to this day, is whether Caril Ann Fugate, whose family Charlie murdered, accompanied him willingly during his spree, whether she cooperated in or even committed some of the murders, or whether she was a hostage (as she later claimed) and suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. Continue reading →
Of Faith And Football
Paul Koch is 1991 graduate of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, where he served as Strength and Conditioning Specialist for the Husker Power and Performance Team from 1987–96. He was part of the strength team that helped to produce national championship football teams . . . Continue reading →
Huskers Remember Sam Foltz With Missing Man Formation
Remembering The Omaha Tornado Of May 6, 1975
On the afternoon of May 6, 1975 a giant tornado (F4) swept across my town moving from the Southwest part of town to the Northeast. We listened to radio news men tracking it as it moved closer to our block. Each time the . . . Continue reading →
There Is No Place Like Nebraska
Ben Says Thanks
The Cornhusker
What I Did On My Summer Vacation (2014)
This gallery contains 13 photos.
My Hometown In 3:34
From The Frozen Platte To The Rockies
This gallery contains 2 photos.
Prairie In Winter
This gallery contains 5 photos.
Lincoln Telephone And Telegraph
I happend to see the back of an old LT&T building last summer as I was driving across town. I was struck by how well preserved the old sign was. Re-painted perhaps? To what end? LT&T hasn’t existed for quite a while. . . . Continue reading →
This gallery contains 4 photos.
From our annual trip home.