Beza believed that this natural law of sovereignty had been evident in the Jewish monarchies of the Old Testament and was borne out in contemporary European politics. He placed several caveats on this principle, however: first, the king must be guilty of . . . Continue reading →
Scott Manetsch
Scott Manetsch On Calvin In His Context And Ours
Scott Manetsch is on campus this week through the kind offices of the Westminster Seminary California student association. He gave a convocation lecture this morning on Reforming ministry in Geneva and will conclude tomorrow. He also sat for an Office Hours interview . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Calvin And Reformed Ministry In Geneva
Few figures haunt the history and imagination of the West like John Calvin. In 2009 Geneva celebrated the 500th anniversary of his birth and yet late modern Europeans were clearly uncomfortable celebrating a figure whom they regarded as backward and unenlightened. Yet, . . . Continue reading →
Sola Scriptura ≠ Nuda Scriptura
Evangelical Christians in North America sometimes misunderstand the Reformation doctrine of sola Scriptura to mean that the Bible is the Christian’s only theological resource, that it can and should be denuded of its churchly context (hence nuda Scriptura). Such an understanding is . . . Continue reading →