Congratulations to our 2009 MA (Historical Theology) candidates, (Rev) Mr Michael Brown and Mr Joshua Forrest. Last night the latter defended the thesis, “Absolute Dependence or Classical Synthesis?: Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Appropriation of Lutheran Orthodoxy” and the former defended the thesis: “Christ and . . . Continue reading →
Samuel Petto
Samuel Petto: Moses Is And Isn’t A Covenant Of Works
It will now be asked, what manner of covenant was that at Mount Sinai, which is called the worst covenant? What kind of covenant was it? Sol. In general, it was a covenant of works, as to be fulfilled by Jesus Christ, . . . Continue reading →
Samuel Bolton’s Survey Of Opinion On The Mosaic Covenant
My friend and colleague Mike Brown published a revision of his excellent MA (Historical Theology) thesis (Westminster Seminary California) in 2012 as Christ and the Condition: The Covenant Theology of Samuel Petto (1624-1711). As part of the background to explaining Petto, Mike . . . Continue reading →